Chapter Ten

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Here you go Gamergirl374

Albus was curled up to Cain's side in Cain's bedroom. He decided to stay the night for no reason in particular, he just wanted to be with his boyfriend. Cain had a protective arm around his waist and held him tightly. A sight knock on the door made them both groan.

            "G'away." Cain groaned.

            "Um Cain?" A soft voice came from the other side. "I-I know it's earlier but it's an emergency." Cain sighed and unraveled himself from Albus grabbing his glasses on his way up. He opened the door to Rose Weasley and she was chewing on her lip. "I would report this usually to Joanna since she's the head girl but I knocked on her door and she spoke a string of profanities to me."  Rose explained. With a big yawn, Cain beckoned her in and she nearly fainted when she saw Albus was in his bed.

            "Morning Rose." Albus grinned sleepily.

            "Oh merlin... I-I didn't mean to interrupt." Her face was all shades of red.  

            "Nothing was going on. Although I was planning on giving him a morning blow job but I guess I can postpone it until later." Cain joked and Rose blushed heavily again. She looked at her feet.

            "Aww sweetheart you know she gets bashful around us. It isn't nice to tease." Albus shot at him and Cain smirked.

            "Oh right you are baby." Cain sighed. "Now what is wrong Rosie? It's all of..." He checked the time. "Eight in the morning."

            "Oh yes... well erm." She shook her head and looked up. "I woke this morning and noticed a few of my things were missing. This has been going on for some time and I do believe that one of the other girls in my dormitory is stealing my things." She explained and then swallowed.

            "Could it be possible that you've just misplaced these things?" Cain questioned and Rose shook her head.

            "No, I've checked before I went to bed and they were still there."

            "Okay. What is missing?"
             "Um my Weasley sweater...that's been gone for some time, my mum's ruby necklace and a pair of emerald earrings."

            "Oh Rose, I got your Weasley sweater." Albus admitted. "I forgot mine at home so I borrowed yours. I gotta get it when we go back for the holidays next week."
             "How did you get it?" Rose accused.

            "Last time I was here. We were all studying remember? I grabbed it when I went to use the loo."

            "I didn't see you with it."

            "Well I was wearing it. Guess you were too busy with your tongue in Scorpius' mouth to notice." Albus sneered and Cain shook his head.

            "Rosie, I'll be sure to make a report of it. Albus just give her her sweater back later today."

            "Thank you Cain." Rose grinned and Cain nodded his head. He showed Rose out who shot Albus a glare before exiting. Cain just shook his head and got back into the bed. He straddled Albus' waist and raised an eyebrow at him.

            "You stole her sweater?" He questioned.

            "She's family, it's called borrowing. She's a bloody liar anyway. She let Lily borrow those earrings last week so she couldn't have seen them before bed."
             "Hmm maybe I'll check in with your sister." Cain stated thoughtfully.

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