Chapter Eight

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She's such a fucking savage and I love it

Albus and Scorpius were outside because their Potions class was cancelled for that day. They bundled up for the November air and were kicking around rocks in the courtyard. There were a few people scattered along enjoying the days that were before the winter. Albus had been together with Cain for about a month.

"You're Albus, correct?" A seventh year Ravenclaw walked up to the two. He was around Scorpius' height. He had auburn hair that hung passed his shoulders and his eyes were a bright baby blue eyes.

"Um yeah." Albus swallowed. "And you're?"

"I'm Kyle. Kyle McDuggars." He told Albus. "I want to talk to you about something."

"Okay." Albus looked over to Scorpius who raised his eyebrows at him. He looked back at the taller boy. "Regarding what?"
"Not what. Who." Kyle corrected. "Cain Avery." Albus visibly paled and swallowed.

"W-what about him?" Albus asked. The older boy glanced at Scorpius before looking back at Albus. "You can tell me in front of him, he's cool." Albus explained.

"Okay." Kyle took a deep breath. "There's a dark side to him. A big dark side to him that it's best you break up with him before it happens."

"What do you mean dark side?" Albus asked. "Like magic?"

"No no." Kyle shook his head. "Dark side as in angry." Kyle explained. "He gets angry often and will take it out on you."

"What do you mean?" He asked but Kyle just shook his head. "Okay. How do you know this?" Albus asked and Kyle looked almost offended by the question.

"I'm Cain's ex-boyfriend." He told Albus. "He hasn't mentioned me?"

"Why would he exactly?" Scorpius butt in. Kyle looked at Scorpius and sneered a bit before shaking his head.

"I was dating Cain for three years." He expounded. "We... He broke up with me before the summer."

"Oh." Albus muttered.

"Just heed my warning, okay? If you need anyone to come to, let me know. I'll help the best I can." He assured. Albus was too shell shocked to say anything so he just nodded. Kyle gave a small smile before walking off.

"Do you reckon he's telling the truth?" Scorpius asked and Albus frowned shrugging.

"I dunno."

"If he's not, you should get out while you can." Scorpius protected but Albus shook his head.

"I'll talk to Cain." He guaranteed. "I'm sure that kid is just jealous."


"Shut it Scorp." Albus snarled causing Scorpius to quickly shut up. His eyes were wide because Albus had never taken such tone with him. Albus took a deep breath and shook his head. "Sorry." He mumbled. "I didn't mean to snap at you."

"It's fine." Scorpius dismissed and Albus sighed. He shook his head and hugged Scorpius who, in response, hugged him back tightly. "Don't worry Albus. He got your nervous is all. Talking to Cain is a good idea." They pulled away and Albus smiled shyly. "Where is he now?"

"He's got Divination this period. It's almost over though."

"Okay. I gotta get Rose from Herbology anyway." They parted ways and Albus decided to jog to the classroom where his boyfriend was. He trotted to get there in time so Cain wouldn't walk away. He was glad he jogged because he got there just in time. People were coming down the step ladder. He stood there and finally he sat the hazel eyed beauty step down. He was delightfully surprised to see Albus.

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