Chapter Six

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About two weeks passed after Albus came out to Scorpius their friendship was better than ever. Although, Albus stopped talking to Rose no matter how many times she apologized, he didn't think she deserved his forgiveness.

            "Albus." Two fingers snapped in front of him.  He focused on Cain who looked annoyed.

            "What?" He asked. They were the library as Cain tutored Albus on how to strengthen his magic.

            "Pay attention and stop zoning out." Cain huffed. "What are you thinking about anyway?"

            "Do you like me?" Albus asked and Cain looked deeply at Albus.

            "What?" He asked the younger boy.

            "Do you like me? Like you're attracted to me right?" Albus inquired.

            "Of course I am. I wouldn't be dating you if I wasn't. Why are you asking me this?" He asked and Albus looked down mumbling.  "Baby, what's wrong?"

            "Why haven't you asked me to be your boyfriend yet then?" He asked and Cain noticeably swallowed.

            "I-I've been planning on it." Cain confessed. "I-I wanted it to be perfect."


            "Yeah." Cain moved closer to sit next to Albus. "Tonight after dinner." He told Albus who grinned.


            "Don't ruin my plans again." Cain moved closer to kiss Albus.

            "I won't." Albus laughed and closed the gap. He kissed Cain slowly and then pulled away. "Free period is almost over."

            "Come, I'll walk you back to your house and I'll see you later."
             "Okay." Albus grinned and the pair got up after packing their books. They joined hands and started walking out. They walked hand into hand until they got the Slytherin house where Cain kissed Albus goodbye.

            "I'll see you later. Meet me in the entrance hall right after dinner, I won't be there for dinner."

            "Okay." Albus smiled widely and walked into the common room. There were students littered about the common room so Albus escaped to his room to retrieve his books.

            "Hey Albus." Scorpius yawned. Albus raised an eyebrow at his friend who was snuggled in bed.

            "You took a nap?" Albus asked.

            "Yeah. Didn't sleep all too well last night." Scorpius disclosed.  Albus grabbed his bag and frowned at his friend.

            "Why's that?" He asked and Scorpius sat up rubbing a hand across his face.

            "Rose and I got into an argument last night so I spent the better part of the night dwelling over it."

            "Why didn't you mention this before?" Albus asked. "We were together practically all day."

            "She's your cousin. I don't want to come between you two." Scorpius explained. "You're already mad at her for telling me you're gay." At that, Albus' face hardened and he looked away.

            "It's none of her business." Albus spat. "I've mentioned that many times before."

            "I know." Scorpius sighed. "It was my fault though. I told her to tell me."  Albus just shook his head.

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