Chapter Eleven

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            Albus was sharing a compartment with Lily and Scorpius. Since the fight with Rose, whose punishment was a week of detentions and an owl home, Albus did not say one word to his cousin. Scorpius told Rose that he thought that the distance of being away would do them so good. That was even after she had apologized to him. Upon hearing what Rose said to Albus, Lily thought it was a good idea to go up to her cousin and shoot a bat boogey hex her way. It landed Rose in the hospital wing and Lily in detention. She didn't care though, that was her brother and regardless of who you, you don't mess with him.

            Albus had his head against the window watching everything go by. Cain was with his friends but promised to see him before they left. The good thing was since Rose called him that horrid name, Cain had not become rough again with him.

            "I don't understand why you're still with her." Lily crossed her arms. Scorpius raised an eyebrow at her.

            "You're her bloody cousin for merlin sake Lils, you'd want me to break up with her?" Scorpius bit.

            "She hurt Albus! No cousin should ever call her family a dirty word." Lily noted and Scorpius sighed.

            "She explained that was just... uncomfortable with the fact Albus was with another guy. She said it was unnatural." Scorpius glanced over to Albus who reacted to his words. His face was screwed up in a sneer and his eyes were welling up.  "But it's perfectly normal and not unnatural." Scorpius added. Albus looked at him and smiled slightly.

            "Thanks Scorpius."

            "Of course Albus." Scorpius pulled him into his lap and Albus squealed in response. He laughed and pulled Scorpius in for a hug. "I've actually been wondering."

            "That's never good." Albus laughed. He lent with his back against the window and stretching out his legs.

            "Shut it." Scorpius laughed.

"Fine fine." Albus grinned. "What about?"

"How'd you know you were gay?" He asked. Albus stilled and gulped.

"W-why?" He stuttered.

"I dunno. It seems like you were pretty much into girls until this year. Did you get hot for a certain someone?" Scorpius winked and smirked. Albus' face turn completely red causing Scorpius to burst out laughed.

"You have!" He laughed. "Who was it?!" He asked and Albus was rendered speechless.

"He had a crush on a professor!" Lily burst out. Usually, Albus would be furious as Lily but she had saved him from admitting his affection for Scorpius.

"Seriously?" Scorpius gasped. "Which one?" He questioned and Albus coughed slightly.

"Professor Higgs." He lied and Scorpius' eyes bulged.

"No wonder you like Transfiguration so much." He wheezed and then let out a laugh.

"Ugh Scorpius, stop laughing." Albus swatted the blonde who giggled.

"I have to admit Albus, you have some really nice taste."

"I think I do too." Albus admitted and Lily giggled. 

            "I mean, look at Cain. He's so precious. Even Rose thinks he's attractive." Lily giggled and Scorpius furrowed his brow.

            "What do you mean?" He questioned.

            "Well before you, Rose had such a big crush on him. Then he walked out of the boy's dormitory with that Ravenclaw boy looking fully shagged." Lily answered and this time Albus frowned.  He knew Cain wasn't a virgin but to hear about his past made him angrier than he thought it would.

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