Chapter Seven

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Cain and Albus becoming official was apparently big new for the school. They were almost never apart and everyone noticed. They were the 'couple of the year' as some fifth years called it; The Potter boy and a Pureblood. They were they best thing since sliced bread.

Albus was prompted to write home telling his parents and James everything about his new relationship. They had been very happy for him but warned him to be careful to which he decided to disregard.

"Alright angel, my table or yours?" Cain asked. They were on their way to lunch after Cain picked him up from potions.

"Um mine. We ate at yours for breakfast." Cain pointed out and Cain scrunched up his nose.

"Okay fine but we're eating at mine dinner." Cain said and Albus sighed. They walked into the Great Hall and made their way to the table. Scorpius was sitting there with Rose already and they were laughing about something.

"Hello." Albus greeted his best friend. He took seat across from them and Cain sat next to Albus.

"Hiya guys." Rose smiled. After Cain and Albus became official two weeks prior, Albus let go of the feud between him and his cousin despite how angry he still was,

"Albus, what are you doing after lunch?" Scorpius questioned as Albus was piling his plate.

"Um I dunno, why you wanna do something?" Albus questioned.

"Yes actually." Scorpius laughed. "I wanna go flying." Scorpius told him and Albus lit up.

"Sure that'd be fun." Albus smiled and looked over to Cain who was wearing a strange face. It was a mixture of jealously and a bit of hatred. Albus just gently squeezed Cain's thigh. Cain's eyes snapped to Albus' face.

"Be careful, yeah?" He made sure and Albus grinned.

"Of course." Albus extended his neck and pressed a kiss on Cain's lips. Cain reciprocated by sticking his tongue in Albus' mouth encouraging Albus to do the same.

"Oh." Rose squeaked. Albus pulled away and laughed breathlessly.

"Seems like we have that effect on her." He told his boyfriend who smirked.

"Seems like it." Cain grinned. He turned back to the other couple. Rose looked slightly uncomfortable while Scorpius looked indifferent. "What's the matter Rosie?" Cain questioned.

"She's fine." Scorpius interjected.

"She doesn't look fine." Albus pointed out.

"I am." Rose defended. She took a big bite out of her chicken. Scorpius eyed her before turning his attention back to the other couple. He was about to start a conversation but was cut off by another voice.

"It looks like everyone is having fun over here." Lily spoke up. "Decided I should join you." She smiled.

"Hey Lils." Albus smiled. "Have you been having a good day?"

"Yeah it's been alright. I gained ten points in Defense for having the best block." She beamed and Cain chuckled.

"Seems like you'd make a good Auror. Your father is head Auror correct?" Cain asked and Lily nodded putting food on her plate.

"Yup but I don't want to be an Auror. I want to follow my mum's footsteps as a professional quidditch player."

"Oh right, I forgot you played Quidditch. You're actually pretty good from my memory. Told a few of my players to knock you off your broom a few times." Cain disclosed and Lily barked out a laugh.

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