Chapter Fourteen

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Scorpius realized in the coming weeks that Albus was not sleeping, hardly eating and he was never out of Cain's sight save for classes. For those times, he sat in the way back so he could be there first one out. He seemed scared, Scorpius observed and he knew should be doing something about it.

He did owl his father and explained the situation. Expounding that he suspected Cain of abusing Albus and even told him how Albus called off his friendship. His father told Albus' parents who replied by owling Scorpius explaining that they'd look into it. That got as far as Cain sending a hex at Scorpius while he was walking to class. But Scorpius got the last laugh, he sent a stinging hex right at Cain's face.

"He's still not talking to you?" Lily asked as she ate with Scorpius. Because he broke it off with Rose and Albus was not talking to him, he was pretty much on his own. He didn't mind the solidarity but he did miss Albus a lot. He was his best friend and he screwed up with choosing Rose over him. He just wished he could get him back before it was too late. Although Lily did sit with him often and he was happy for that.

"No." Scorpius sighed. "I deserve it." He told Lily who shook her head.

"Maybe it was wrong that you chose Rose over Albus but I mean the way he's acting, it's petty." Lily took a bite of her ham sandwich. "And I don't like how protective Cain is over Albus." She admitted.

"Have you talked to your parents?" He asked her and she nodded.

"Yeah I told them about what was going on. They were thinking of coming here and talking to McGonagall but Albus flipped out when I told him, it was one of the rare times he wasn't with Cain. He told me I was almost just as bad as Rose." Lily snorted at the thought.

"No. Rose is... different." He told her and shook his head. "I don't want to be one of those boyfriends who talks badly about their ex but-"

"She's a fucking bitch." Lily cut him off and then scowled. He stared at for bit and pondered.

"Lils, may I ask you something?" He questioned and she raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm not gonna date you Scorp." She told him and he gave her a small grin.

"No I didn't mean that." He chuckled.

"Oh okay then what?" She inquired and he took a deep breath.

"Why did it seem like you were against my relationship with Rose from the beginning?" He asked and she stopped eating, the color draining from her face.

"What?" She looked at him. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious." He shrugged. "I mean, she's your cousin and I figured you'd support her if you wanted her to support Albus." He explained to her and she just shrugged.

"Rose, Albus and I were all really close. But when they first met you, Albus really wanted to be your friend and she didn't. He chose you over her. You're his best friend, he was never good at making friends, and she was really mean to you, it hurt him. I guess I just got upset that you decided to still be with her no matter how much she rejected you." She explained to him and he frowned.

"Why would it matter to you? No offense."

"None taken. Because you're best friends with Albus, I see you as my brother and I don't want you to get hurt." She lied and he smiled widely.

"Aww Lils you care about me." He side hugged her and she grimaced.

"Don't hug me." She hissed. He laughed and kissed her head causing her to blush and giggle.

Loss Of Words (Scorbus) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now