Chapter Eighteen

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Albus was discharged from the hospital wing and moved back into his dorms from being in there for four days. He had suffered multiple nightmares while residing there but he made Madam Promfrey promise not to tell anyone. He didn't want anyone else to worry but he was starting to get his memory back from that day.

            His parents, James and Draco had left Hogwarts with a demand they get weekly updates.  The two teens agreed and they were on their way.

            Scorpius was doing writing something in his notebook as Albus lazily relaxed in his bed holding Puddles to his chest. He had contemplated getting rid of Puddles because of the memories but he loved it too much to give it up.  He looked over to Scorpius and bit his lip. They hadn't discussed the kiss or why it happened and he was curious. He just didn't know how to bring it up.

            Because Scorpius looking was looking down, Albus tossed his pillow at him. It hit Scorpius square on the head and he looked up glaring at Albus.

            Can I ask something? Albus signed.

            "Yeah, what's the matter?" Scorpius questioned.

            Why did you kiss me? He questioned and Scorpius paled.

            "The day we fought?" Scorpius asked and Albus rolled his eyes.

            Well we never kissed any time before that.

            "Fair enough." Scorpius chewed on his lip. "You're gonna hate me."

            I can't hate you Scorp, not anymore at least. Albus grinned and Scorpius sighed.

            "I wanted you and... him to break up." Scorpius admitted. "Kyle told me he didn't like to be cheated on because it meant you weren't under his control anymore." Scorpius gulped as Albus' eyes started to fill with tears.  Scorpius had gone to such extremes to make sure he got out of the relationship. He really did care after all. "Please don't cry. Merlin Albus, watching you cry is like watching a baby hippogriff be kicked." Scorpius placed his books to the side and made his way to comfort Albus.

            I'm not crying tears of sadness. They're more relief and happiness. Albus explained. You knew I'd tell him?

            "You're very loyal. I just wanted you to be safe." Scorpius wrapped his best friend in a hug and squeezed tightly.

            Thank you so much. Albus leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to Scorpius' cheek. Scorpius, in turn, blushed a bit and grinned. He thought about that kiss with Albus more than he should have. It was a very good kiss even though it was mostly one sided. He had such soft lips and the felt nice against his.        

            "Of course Albus." He told him. "Um I'm gonna get ready for bed, are you gonna shower because you smell." Scorpius mocked and Albus slapped him.

            Bastard. Albus grinned. Yeah I'm gonna shower.

            "Alright." Scorpius nodded. "I'll shower in the morning then, you don't need anything yeah?"

I just can't talk Scorp, I can do everything else perfectly fine.

            "Well if you need something, just wake me. I'm knackered and will probably fall asleep while you're in there."

            Fair enough. He nodded. Goodnight Scorp.

            "Goodnight Albus."

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