Chapter Twenty One

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Albus had another appointment with the healer. He had been seeing her for almost a month, and despite her promise, he was not getting any closer to talking.

            This sucks. He signed to Scorpius as they waited. I can't talk and the healer said a month.

            "Have you tried talking at all?" Scorpius questioned. "Like really tried?" Albus gave Scorpius an annoyed look.

            Of course I have. Every morning, I momentarily forget and go to tell you that I love you. Albus blushed at the admission but Scorpius grinned.

            "Aww my lovely boyfriend being all cute." Scorpius leaned in and pinched Albus' cheeks.  Albus pouted causing Scorpius to giggle and kiss Albus' lips. He sat back down and Albus groaned. "You know, you'll have to get someone else to take the potion, holiday is coming up in four days." Scorpius pointed out and Albus frowned.

            I forgot about holiday. He admitted and then bit his lip. Do you think maybe we can still see each other?

            "Like hang out?" Scorpius asked and at Albus' nod, he smiled. "Well of course doofus, I don't want to spend a week without your beautiful little face. Plus your birthday is over the holiday." He cooed and Albus blushed deeply.

            Oh yeah. You're gonna come for dinner?

            "I'd be delighted."

            "Sorry for keeping you waiting." Healer Thompson bustled in. "How are you doing Albus?"

            Why can't I talk yet? He asked and Healer Thompson frowned.

            "Well we can try talk today. It'll take some time."

            It's been a month, you told me it would be just a month.

            "Well yes, give or take. We can try talking softy today." She told them and Albus sighed. He was getting frustrated with not being able to speak. It was a nuisance and he wanted to speak again immediately. She gently sat next to Albus and placed her fingers on the side of his neck under his jaw. "Now move your mouth the way you would to form a word." She instructed and he moved it in the motion of saying 'hello'. She pressed down very gently but it was a sensitive spot and he cried out slapping her hand away.

            Sorry. He told her and she gave a sad smile.

            "No worries. It's still a bit sensitive so the healing is taking it's time. I know I said that there was no cure, and there isn't, however I will give you something to reduce the sensitivity of the area." She explained. "Just give me a moment." She told him. He nodded and she left the room.

            Man, that fucking hurt.

            "Are you alright?"

            Yeah I am. Albus nodded. The healer walked back into the room and handed Albus the clear looking potion.

            "This is going to reduce the sensitivity and possibly enhance your chance to speaking." She explained. Albus downed the potion and grimaced. He felt the potion taking effect though for he found easier to breathe. "The damage to your throat also hindered your airways. It wasn't enough for you to have trouble breathing but I'm sure it's easier for you to breath." She noted and Albus nodded. "Try to speak now."

            He slowly started to move his mouth

            "H-hi." He rasped out in a very soft whisper.

Loss Of Words (Scorbus) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now