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Albus' life couldn't have been better. For six years, he was with the boy... now man of his dream. He had proposed on their fifth year anniversary and then they married four months after that. His life couldn't have been better.

Life in their last year at Hogwarts went relatively well. Albus' magic grew stronger and he was able to bring his grades up to a passing grade.

Rose ended up being a professor for divination at Hogwarts and remained indifferent about Albus' lifestyle. She never said that dirty word again.

Lily was a great keeper for her favorite Quidditch team following in her mother's footsteps.

After Hogwarts was good too. Scorpius got a job as a herpetologist since he was able to understand the snakes. He loved it because he was really good at the job and was able to meet all kinds of snakes. Albus was a translator for the ministry due to his ability to speak any language and understand it. At first, he didn't think he'd like it but he ended up loving it because he was able to travel the world and take his boyfriend, now husband, anywhere they wanted.

"Honey, I'm home!" Albus called from the door. He hung up his coat as he heard Scorpius call him from the kitchen. He ventured in and saw Scorpius cooking some roasted chicken with baked potatoes. "Hi sweetie, how was work?" He walked over and embraced Scorpius.

"Fun. We got a mini basilisk and I was the first to talk to it. It's on board letting us use it venom for the potions. So I'm excited." Scorpius grinned.

"Ahh sounds great."

"It was! How was work for you?" Scorpius asked as he placed the chicken in the oven.

"Great actually. I got to talk to an ambassador in India." He smiled. "It was pretty cool and he even offered for us to go there." Scorpius met Albus' happy eyes and grinned himself.

"Actually baby." Scorpius stared. He grabbed Albus' hands and held them with his own. "We heard back from the adoption agency today and little Kimmy is ours if we still want her." He told Albus who dropped his mouth.

"Y-yeah? I thought it would take up to a year to decide, it's only been two months."

"They really liked us. So you wanna go for it?" Scorpius asked.

"Of course I wanna do it!" Albus smiled widely.

"Then we have a daughter Albus, we're parents!" Scorpius told Albus who grinned.

"That's fantastic news!" He wrapped his arms around Scorpius for a tight hug. "I'm so happy." He whispered to Scorpius who just hugged tighter. He knew he was just as happy.


Albus was up late feeding his little girl her midnight bottle. She had deep brown eyes and a quiff of ginger hair. He smiled down at her and kissed her head.

"We've come a long way." Scorpius spoke softly. Albus looked up and Scorpius was standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"We have." Albus agreed. Scorpius walked over and pressed a kiss to Albus' head. Then to his little six month old daughter. They have come a long way since the Reign of Cain. And Albus was finally truly happy with his 'unfair' life.

The End

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