Chapter Nine

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It had been a week and a half since Albus went to Cain crying. A week and a half since he promised his boyfriend that he'd stay away from Scorpius and a week and a half where Scorpius just wanted his best friend back.

He tried numerous times to talk to Albus but the boy would just ignore him. He tried apologizing because he knew he'd done wrong but Albus would just turn his face.

He broke down in front of Rose, crying to her on how much he missed his best friend and just wanted to make things rights because he knew he had been a bad friend. Rose held him close and told him it was going to be okay. And the next day she asked Cain to talk to Albus to get him to speak to Scorpius. Cain disagreed and explained to Rose that Albus was a lot happier without him.

"Albus?" A voice sounded causing Albus to look up. It was Lily and she was looking at Albus with concern.

"Yeah?" Albus scrunched up his face. He was in the library because he didn't feel like going to Herbology especially because it was a double period with Scorpius. Lily sat down and sighed.

"What's going on? You know uncle Nev is gonna tell mum and dad you're skipping." Lily berated.

"I just don't feel like going." Albus shrugged.

"Is it because Scorpius is there?" Lily inquired and Albus' face hardened into a sneer.

"Don't say his name."

"Albus Severus! He is your best friend and you not talking to him is petty." She threw her nose in the air.

"Yes. Now what is the real reason you two got into an argument because you never hold a grudge." She replied and he frowned.

"I-I guess I'm just upset and Cain told me I should take time to heal. You know?" He questioned. "But I do miss Scorpius a lot and it's only been a little over a week."

"Then go back to him and apologize. You two need to talk as to why you're not in the best place. Maybe tell him not to snoop in your business with Cain." Lily recommended and Albus smiled shyly.

"Yeah okay." Albus nodded.

"But I am curious about something."

"Okay what?" Albus smiled and Lily smirked.

"I was wondering what exactly have you done with Cain?" Her eyebrows flicked up as Albus blushed horribly.

"Promise you won't tell mum or dad?"

"Ohh this is going to be good. I promise." She stuck out her pinky and Albus took it. He leaned in closer to her and kept his voice down.

"Well we've given each other a few hand jobs here and there. He gave me a blow job the other day. And he recently convinced me to use the cloak to sneak in his classroom to give him one."

"And did you?" Lily gasped and the shade of red Albus turned made her howl a laugh. Madam Pince shushed her and she giggled. She wiped at her eyes as Albus covered his face in mortification. "That's hilarious."
"It wasn't though. He moaned too loudly and the professor almost caught us. And it was all messy." Albus groaned as Lily continued to giggle.

"What's so funny?" They turned to see Scorpius standing there awkwardly.

"Albus was just telling me about something that happened in class." Lily answered. "Shouldn't you be in class?"
"Yeah, I was." Scorpius scratched the back of head. "Professor Longbottom asked me where Albus was but w-we aren't talking so I told him I didn't know. It bugged him for a bit because of my lack of knowledge so he sent me to find you." Scorpius explained.

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