Chapter Sixteen

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            Pain. A lot of pain is what Albus felt. He heard shouting between two people but he couldn't distinguish who is was or what was going on. He hurt all over and he just felt like closing his eyes, allowing it all to be over. A green light flashed near him but his head hurt too much to actually care what it was. He let his eyes slowly close as the pain enveloped him.

            He started waking as he was being brought somewhere. Again he heard voices but they were more frantic. He couldn't hear the words because of the pain. He knew he was on a flat surface and he saw the torches going passed on the way somewhere. He let out a soft groan before going back out.

            Once again he woke up but he was in the hospital wing. He knew that for sure because it was bright and Madam Promfrey was there.  She saying something about a spell, he heard that much. She stood over him and waved her wand. He slowly fell back asleep into a pit of darkness.

            Scorpius was a hot mess after Lily found him and told him what was going on.

            "He threw him down a fucking flight of stairs?!" He bellowed for the hundredth time. Lily didn't say anything as they just made their way to the hospital wing. She was trying to hold it together. Albus was badly hurt and she couldn't think of anything more than what she was going to do to Cain.

Once they got to the hospital, they noticed the curtains of one bed where drawn and there was most likely a silencing spell placed on it for they couldn't hear one word.

"Misses Potter, Mister Malfoy." Headmistress McGonagall regarded them. "Albus was in and out of consciousness before we put him under a sleeping spell. We have multiple healers from St. Mungo's working on him, this way we can fix all of his injuries efficiently and quickly."

            "What are they?" Lily asked her softly and McGonagall bowed her head slightly.

            "He suffered a fractured skull, several broken bones in his arms and legs, his body and face were badly bruised, and he has a bit of internal bleeding where his spleen is. He hit a lot of the steps going down." She explained. "I have emergency owled your parents and they should be here any minute."

            "What happened to Cain? He's the one who threw him, yeah?" Scorpius asked and McGonagall raised an eyebrow at him.

            "Unfortunately after the incident, Mister Avery was murdered." She answered and the two of them paled.

            "What?" He whispered.

            "He was murdered by Mister McDuggers' who has taken full responsibility. He has been apprehended by the Auror's and brought to the holding cells."  She filled them in. Before she could say anymore, Ginny rushed in with Harry looking incredibly frantic. 

            "Minerva!" Harry shouted. "What's going on?" He asked.

            "It's best you come with me so I can explain, Albus will be worked on for some time." She told them and they glanced up at the closed curtain. 

            "Okay." Harry agreed. The three adults walked out and Lily slumped into a chair as Scorpius just stared at the curtain.

"It's my fault." He said aloud. "I-I didn't know Cain would react that way." Scorpius admitted and Lily just shook her head. He sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her. "You can cry Lils, its okay."

            "No it's not." She told Scorpius. "It's not okay. None of this is okay."  She told him and then sniffled.  "You care about him still, don't you?" She asked him.

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