Chapter Thirteen

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The very end is a bit brutal so read with caution

When they got back, Albus was determine to lose his virginity to Cain. He just loved his boyfriend so much and he wished he could show that affection like normal couples did. This, however, only made Cain frustrated because he knew Albus was still really upset about the whole Rose thing. This led to a big fight and yet again, Cain got physical and slammed Albus against the wall. This time though, Albus hit his head so hard that he actually passed out.

This made Cain panic and he brought Albus to the hospital wing immediately where he resided for a few days due to a concussion. They went under the lie that he just hit his head while he fell backwards.

"Albus pay attention." Scorpius sighed. "You missed this in class." They were studying on their break in the library.

"Ugh I don't want to learn anymore. My head is pounding." Albus gently put his head down on the table. He closed his eyes and willed the headache to go away. "Ugh." He groaned. When he felt a hand on his neck, he jumped up. "What are you doing?"

"Shh, maybe this will help." Scorpius just rubbed the back of Albus' neck causing goosebumps to break out on the raven haired boy. He gently started to work the knots Albus had on his neck and Albus forgot all about his headache.

"You have wonderful hands." Albus moaned and Scorpius laughed.

"Glad to see that I can help out." He said. "Am I helping?"

"Yes." Albus groaned and then let out a soft gasp as Scorpius worked a knot. "Right there."

"I'm sure Cain hears that a lot." Scorpius teased and Albus swatted at him. "Is your head feeling better?"

"Merlin yes." Albus told Scorpius who laughed. He stopped rubbing his neck and Albus let out a whimper. Now his neck was empty and he noticed he was hard from the stimulation. "I um I gotta use the loo." He told Scorpius who sighed.

"Fine but I want your ass in this chair to study more."

"Yes mum." Albus rolled his eyes and then scampered off. He ran to the loo and took care of his problem quickly. He washed his hands and made his way back to the library where Scorpius was waiting for him. He was frowning, the blonde was. Albus furrowed his brow and sat down with him. "What's wrong Scorp?"

"I wanna ask you something." He started and Albus panicked. Did Scorpius know? Did he see what he did to him?

"Y-yeah?" He cursed himself for stuttering. He sat down on the chair and started to wring his hands.

"It's something I've been thinking about for a bit now and I just want to be clear on things." Scorpius stated very seriously.

"Yeah sure. What is it?" He asked.

"You've been really clumsy lately. More so than ever." Scorpius started. "I mean you hurt your eye before we left and then the concussion. Also that night when you were crying on my shoulder, when I went to put my arm around you, you winced." He pointed out and Albus' face drained of color.

"Where a-are you going with this?" He asked.

"Does Cain get physical with you?" He blurted and Albus just blinked at Scorpius. No, he wasn't wrong. He was dead on but that was none of his business.

"What?" He asked forcefully. Scorpius lifted his head and met Albus' eyes. He was deadly serious.

"Are you being abused by Cain?" He grilled and Albus' eyes narrowed.

Loss Of Words (Scorbus) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now