Chapter Two

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            Albus sat alone in the courtyard of the school after Scorpius left him to be with Rose. He felt hurt but decided not to dwell too much on his actions, Cain was right he shouldn't cry over it. Scorpius didn't even ask who Cain was and to Albus, it seemed that if it didn't involve Scorpius, he didn't care what Albus did with his life.

            "I see you were too late." A voice spoke softly. Albus looked up and Lily was standing in front of him. He had come out to his family that summer, telling them he had been feeling attractions to the same sex. They were fully supportive and told Albus to date whomever would make him happy. He had only told his siblings who he fancied and they encouraged him to go after him. To Lily's statement, Albus just shrugged and allowed the red head to sit next to him against the tree.  "To Rose not to mention."

            "It hurts." He told his sister. "So much."

            "I know." She frowned at Albus. "He's your first crush?"

            "He was my first love." He expressed to Lily. "I've liked him since third year." He explained and she winced.

            "I'm so sorry Albus." She wrapped her brother in a side hug.

            "It happens." He frowned and rested his head on her shoulder. "I did meet a guy last night though."

            "Yeah? Is it the same one who went to your table this morning? The one you left the Great Hall with?" She asked and Albus lifted his head.

            "How'd you know that?" He questioned.

            "I saw from my table. Us Ravenclaw's aren't too far away." She joked and he blushed a bit.

            "Yeah that was him. I was crying in the hallway and he talked to me. He told me it was going to be okay."

            "That was sweet of him." Lily grinned. "What's his name? All I know is he's a head boy in Gryffindor."

            "His name is Cain Avery." He told her and she gasped.

            "Merlin Albus! I know for a fact that Rose used to fancy him. She was all upset because she found out he was gay. You need to go after him!" She piped but Albus shook his head.

            "I dunno." He furrowed his brow. "He's older than me."

            "So what?"

            "It's weird."

            "No it's not." Lily assured. "I think you should do it."  Albus didn't respond, he just rested his head against the tree. He surveyed the others in the courtyard. He saw a group of Ravenclaw's studying, a few Slytherin's playing exploding snap, and a group of Gryffindor's horsing around. He spotted one in particular who was lying down on one of the benches and smiling watching his friends.  Said boy moved his view and looked directly at Albus. His eyes lit up and he shot up off the bench. He told his friends that he'd back in a minute and started walking over to Albus and Lily. "Is that him?"

            "Yeah." Albus was speechless. Why was Cain coming over? He had already made sure he was okay. He waited until he was directly in front of Albus before he started speaking.

            "Hey Albus. It's a nice day out, isn't it?" He grinned showing off his pearly white teeth.

            "Yeah it's nice." Albus explained. "Why'd you come over?" He asked the older boy who let out a soft laugh.

            "To come speak with you of course." He looked baffled. "Is that an issue?"
             "Oh no not at all." Albus quickly assured. "Jus' wonderin'." He expressed. Cain smiled regardless and looked at Lily.

Loss Of Words (Scorbus) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now