Chapter Nineteen

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The two's kiss turned into a snog and they snogged for what seemed like hours but was only about twenty minutes. They got so carried away that Albus ended up giving Scorpius a small love bite right below his right ear. 

            When they finally stopped doing their activities, they went to bed with a silent agreement that they'd speak about it in the morning. However, when Albus had a really bad nightmare of Cain shoving him down the stairs, Scorpius was by his side in a minute. 

            He held Albus as he cried and then started to sing to him softly. It was a slow song but it was very pretty and Albus noted that Scorpius had a very nice singing voice.  Albus had calmed down and Scorpius wiped away his tears.

            "When I was a child and I was scared at night, my mum used to crawl into bed with me and sing that song." Scorpius explained. His heart clenched of the thought of his late mother. "I've never told you that before, have I? She was a great woman, my mother and I miss her every day." His eyes slowly started to drip tears and it was Albus' turn to wipe away his tears. Albus tried to talk momentarily forgetting he couldn't speak. What came out of his mouth was just a scratchy squeaky sound. He scrunched up with face.

            Scorpius, you're a great guy because of it. And I bet you miss your mother like crazy, she was such a lovely woman. He ended up signing.

            "Thank you Albus, it means a lot you say that." Scorpius divulged.  Albus hugged his best friend and snuggled into his embrace. They were quiet for some time before something dawned on Albus. He looked at Scorpius and signed,

            You know, don't you? Scorpius looked at Albus confused, not understanding what he knew.

            "Know what?"

            What I was really going to tell you at the beginning of the year. Albus pointed out and Scorpius blushed.

            "Um... yeah." Albus watched Scorpius swallowed. "I do." Albus started to wring his hands letting the silence envelop them again.  Finally, he started to sign,

            Now what?

            "What do you mean?"

Do you just want to ignore my feelings for you? We can if you're uncomfortable.

            "Albus, I just had my fucking tongue in your mouth, I am most certainly not uncomfortable." Scorpius joked. "I don't want to ignore it but under the circumstance, I don't think you're ready." Scorpius explained.

            Fair enough. Albus frowned. Could we maybe try and go slow? Albus asked and Scorpius bit his lip. He closed his eyes, contemplating on what to do.

            "I don't see why not." He answered finally. "If you're willing to date me after everything that's happened, then it's the least I can do." Scorpius stated and Albus furrowed his brow.

            Are you just pitying me?

            "Of course not." Scorpius assured. "I-I wanted this too, remember? I initiated the kiss." 

            Oh yeah, so the kiss... it was good?

            "More than good, it was brilliant." Scorpius gushed getting Albus to blush. Scorpius gently kissed Albus on the lips again and then pulled the boy down. "Come on, you start speech therapy tomorrow and you need your sleep." Albus settled on Scorpius' chest and closed his eyes.

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