Chapter Seventeen

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*The italics is sign language*

Question of the day: Can Clevermess write a fanfic that doesn't involve a hospital scene?

It was clear to Scorpius by the guilty looks he was receiving from both Rose and Lily that he was right. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath remembering all the occurrences from that year. The thing he had to tell him when they got back for term. It wasn't that he was gay, it was that he was gonna tell him he was in love with him. The crying made sense too. He was heartbroken which is why he was so hostile towards him. He broke Albus' heart and led him straight into the arms of Cain. And when he kissed Albus, he thought for that moment he kissed back which he probably did but when he shoved away, Albus incredibly hurt. That was probably because he knew Scorpius didn't feel the same.

"How long?" He asked opening his eyes. He was looking at the two girls calmly but very stoically. When they didn't answer him, anger spiked through him. "How long?!" He shouted.

"Scorpius!" Draco scolded. Lily sniffed and pushed out of her mom's arms.

"He's liked you since third year." She told him. "I don't know when he exactly fell in love with you but he did somewhere along the way." She explained and he looked at Rose.

"How long have you known?" He asked and she blinked away her tears.

"Since Albus came out to his family." She told them. "Since august."

"You knew our whole relationship?" He asked and she nodded. "Why continue it when you knew your cousin liked me?" He asked.

"I didn't think you were gay and the thought of me losing you to Albus made me angry because you were the guy who consistently tried to get with me."
She admitted.

"Did you even like me?" He asked desperately.

"I don't know." She answered.

"Rose, how about you and I go on a walk?" Ginny suggested.

"Okay Aunt Ginny." She said. She got off the floor and walked off with Ginny. Scorpius looked close to tears. He looked at his father who sighed.

"It's okay Scorpius." Draco walked over to him and hugged him close. "You're alright." Scorpius hugged his father back and slowly started to cry. He really liked Rose and she decided it was okay to play with his feelings.

Harry stepped out and gave them a small sad smile.

"He took the news as expected but he's asking to see Kyle. I'm gonna see what I can do but you can go keep him company." He told him.

"I'll accompany you Harry." Draco told him and Harry grinned.

"Thank you Draco." He said and then the two started to walk off. Lily and Scorpius walked into the room and Albus' curtain was closed but they could hear the soft crying coming from him. Scorpius stilled. He hated seeing Albus cry, it was the worst thing he had ever experienced. Lily walked over to Albus and sat near him as Scorpius had an inner conflict.

"I'm sorry Albus." She whispered. "It wasn't mum or dad who told Rose you were gay. It was me." She told him and his crying slowed as he just pulled her into her a hug. She knew he had forgiven her and that's all she could ask for.

"It's gonna get better buddy." Scorpius walked from the curtain. "We're gonna get you better." Albus just smiled at Scorpius. He wrote something on his paper and handed it to Scorpius.

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