Good To Be Back

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Me and Cady got to the airport, it was 1:00am so we were both really tired. Considering how Cady must be feeling at the moment I asked at reception if we could go to the VIP lounge, that way we could escape any unwanted visitors. It cost quite a lot, but it was worth it, just to see my girlfriend happy again. We sat on the sofa together and Cady snuggled her head into my chest. It was amazing to be near her again. There was about an hour until our flight would be called so I asked her

"Cady, why didn't you tell me about your parents?"

"What you mean the fact I don't have any?"

"Yeah, you can tell me anything, I wont judge you for it"

She closed her eyes and a smile appeared on her face

Our flight was called to go back to France, it was our first show tonight and I wanted to make sure Cady was there to see it, but I knew she couldn't sit in the audience alone, I would say she could sit with Cat and Olly. But Cat was in California modelling and Olly was spending time at home. So she would have to watch from the side lines, that way I could keep an eye on her.


Josh has been so sweet. He flew all the way back to London to see me, and now I didn't have to leave his side. At least this time the boys were okay with me coming with him. Our flight was called and Josh helped me up and carried both of our bags onto the plane whilst holding an arm around my waist.

The flight seemed so quick, probably because I fell asleep on Josh's shoulder. I woke up when the captain announced that there was about half an hour left of our journey. I looked up and Josh was staring down at me, and may I say he looked super hot when he was tired.

"You even look perfect when you are asleep and snoring"

"Oh my god I was snoring?"

We both giggled away and Josh kissed the top of my head. We were talking about the plan for later when we touched down on the ground. We walked off the plane and into the arrival lounge where George, Jaymi and JJ were waiting for us. For some reason they rushed towards me, and not Josh! I was laughing when the boys bombarded me with hugs, even if it was secretly hurting me because of my wound and everything. Each of them took a bouquet of flowers from behind their backs and passed them to me. It meant a lot seeing as they seemed to dislike me when we first met.

"Aw thank you boys, they're beautiful!"

"Its alright, we felt bad about how we treated you when we met" JJ said

"Oh don't worry, I think I would have been the same if I saw my best friend kissing a complete stranger"

"Sorry anyway, how are you feeling, Josh told us what happened" Jaymi said

"I'm feeling fine, just hurts a bit, well a lot actually, but what can you do?"

"Sorry to interrupt, but I do believe our transport awaits us!" I looked towards the exit of the airport and saw a black limo waiting to pick us all up. The chauffeur was holding a giant stuffed monkey, and I mean giant. We were all giggling because he looked extremely serious.

On the way to the hotel we all had a catch up and the radio was blasting. We pulled up outside this grand building, but it didn't look like a hotel, looked like more of a mansion.

"Guys, I thought we were staying in a hotel?" I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

"We were, but we thought you might want some more privacy when we found out you were coming. So we booked this place." Jaymi said

When we entered the house, there was a grand staircase leading up to the bedrooms. We all went to have a look at them all. They were all the same size and were furnished in pretty much the same way. But there was only four bedrooms,

"I guess I will sleep on the sofa then" I shouted whilst all the boys were checking out the games room opposite the bedrooms. They all popped there heads round the door and Josh said

"Well actually, I was thinking we could share a bedroom"

We finally came to an agreement for the bedroom situation and went downstairs for some food. Once we had finished, I thought it was a good time to thank the boys for what they had done for me,

"Boys, I want to say thank you for everything you have done, letting me come on tour and stuff, and booking this place for me"

"It's lovely having you here with us!" George said whilst giggling

We all jumped in the limo again to go to the arena, I was going to watch them at the sound check but then come back to the house so I could sort some stuff out. We drove round the back of the arena to avoid all of the fans. The boys were with the stylists, and were helping out to find the clothes they wanted for later. Someone from the production team came in,

"Boys you are wanted on stage for the sound check, remember all of the VIP fans will be there!"

They all walked out, apart from Josh who turned around and hugged me, he whispered in my ear,

"I love you, I'm so glad you are here tonight"

"I love you too"

We flicked off the lights and walked out of the room together, hand in hand. I was going to watch from the side lines to avoid bumping into any fans and hurting my side. The boys were incredible, it was the first time I had heard them sing together and their voices sent shivers down my spine. All of the fans were screaming, and the loud banging of the music was ringing in my head. I started to feel faint, and my side started to feel funny, I pressed my hand against my side and looked down at it, it was bleeding, what was happening. I fell on the floor.


We walked onto the stage for the sound check, there were so many fans there, but I was just happy that my girlfriend was there. We were in the middle of singing last goodbye, the screaming of the fans got louder and the beat of the music got louder, I turned to look at Cady to see if she was enjoying herself...she was on the floor, collapsed in a heap.

Not a Fan or Anything {A Josh Cuthbert/Union J Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now