A Rush To Hospital

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I heard smashing of mugs in the kitchen followed by a loud moan from Cady. I ran in to find Cady sat on the floor.

"What's wrong babe, what's happened?"

"m-my water j-just broke"

"Oh my god" I couldn't help but smile when I helped Cady to her feet. But I also felt panicky. I knew my car had no petrol so I had to ring an ambulance.

"I need an ambulance, my wife has just gone into labour"

"Okay, we will be right there sir"

I gave them our address and grabbed the hospital bag Cady had sorted out for when she went into labour.

"Cady, the ambulance is on its way, its going to be fine"

"I know" I held her hand as we waited on the sofa for the ambulance. Thankfully it arrived in less than 10 minutes. I helped lift Cady into the ambulance and sat beside her, holding her hand as she went through the contractions.

"How long have the contractions been lasting sir?"

"Oh, um...about a minute I think" I had forgot to time it which is what Doctor Jones told me to do, oops.

We soon arrived at the hospital and they took Cady straight through to the delivery room, I followed them through the door. Cady looked tired, she was sweating and shaking.

"Okay Cady, you are going to have to push for me now" Cady moaned from beside me, too tired to even think about that yet.

"Cady after three, you need to take a deep breath and push okay" The nurse said


Cady let out an extremely loud moan,

"Okay we have the head" I smiled and tears started to roll from behind my eyes, I whispered to Cady,

"He is beautiful, keep pushing, remember to breath by the way" I swear I heard her giggle, but it was quickly taken over by her screams.

"Well done Cady, nearly there now, just one more push"

Cady's screams were disturbed by the sound of our baby crying. He was here, he had arrived. Cady soon calmed down and tears fell from her eyes. I leaned over the bed to hug her. The nurses rushed around to make sure everything was okay. Soon we could see our beautiful baby boy.


Our baby boy, had arrived. I couldn't be happier. As the nurse passed me our baby, I started crying. Josh sat on the bed beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Hello little guy" Josh said, he looked down at our baby.

"So do you have a name yet?" One of the nurses asked, smiling at us three on the hospital bed.

"No, not yet, but we will soon"

The nurses left the room leaving me, Josh and our baby.

"Well done babe, I am so proud of you" I smiled and quickly pecked Josh on the lips.

"We need a name for this little guy though" Josh said

"Hmmm, how about...Connor?"

"I love it"


Connor. I loved it, a little boy called Connor.

"Can I hold him?" I asked Cady, she gladly passed me our new baby. I held him in my arms for the first time. He let out a little whimper, and I swear I saw him smile.

"Did you see that?"

"Yes, yes I did" Cady rested her head on my shoulder as I sat cradling Connor in my arms.

Suddenly our best friends, Connor's godparents, silently walked through the door.

"Oh my god" Jaymi was crying and Cat rushed over to us.

"Do you have a name yet?"

"Connor" Cady said.

"OOOOH I like it!" JJ said

"Ta-dah!" George pulled out a little stuffed monkey from behind his back. I stood up and placed Connor in the cot in the corner of the room. We all ended up talking about what the first thing we did together would be, as a group. George insisted on the zoo but Cady said not until he was at least 5 months old which he groaned at. Cat wanted to take him shopping, which I was repulsed by, not being funny but our baby BOY was not going to spend his first time out of the house shopping. Then I offered taking him to a football match. Everyone apart from Cady groaned, but Cady looked up and smiled at me,

"That is perfect"



I kissed her on the lips once again, happy that she agreed to my plan. But between you and me, there was somewhere else I wanted to take him first.

Not a Fan or Anything {A Josh Cuthbert/Union J Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now