Not Alone Anymore

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I was woken up the next morning by the girls jumping on top of me. It took me a moment to remember what was happening today before I leaped up off the sofa, knocking everyone off me in the process.

"I am freaking getting married today!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, completely ignoring the fact that it was only half seven in the morning. But I wasn't going to be alone anymore, so I had to celebrate!

"Yeah we know Cady, but there is no need to deafen us!"

Cat was cooking breakfast for us all so we all sat on the stools waiting patiently, until Taylor decided to start banging her knife and fork against the surface of the kitchen counter, and we al started chanting,


"Alright girls, I only have two hands you know"

Cat passed us each a plate with 2 pancakes and 2 waffles. We all tucked in, they were lovely, Cat was definitely a better cook than Josh and Jaymi. We sat in the kitchen just chatting, and eventually realised it was half eight, we had to be at the church for half past eleven which gave us three hours to get ready. I would help the girls get ready first, their dresses were beautiful, a really pale blue colour, almost white. They were a similar shape to mine, but the chest was one piece and wrapped round the back with a belt of diamantes separating it from the skirt. All three of them curled their hair, and pinned back a layer of hair from either side. Then it was my turn, it was now half nine so we had plenty of time to sort things out. I stepped into my dress and pulled it up, waiting for someone to zip me up, all three of the girls gasped behind me

"What?! Is there something wrong with it? Has it torn or something?" I started worrying

"No nothings wrong Cady, you just look so beautiful!" Taylor said starting to cry,

"I can't believe my best friend is going to get married soon!"

"Taylor stop crying! Your mascara will run!" Victoria yelled

"Oh, well thank you, someone zip me up, an Cat get ready to do my hair"

"But shouldn't you do your makeup first?" She asked with a puzzled look on her face

"No, do my hair"

I sat back and waited for Cat to finish my hair, I closed my eyes and just relaxed.


I opened my eyes to look in the mirror. She had tightly plated my hair and wrapped it into a high bun. There were diamantes pinned into it to hold it in place, it looked beautiful, if I might say so myself. Now I was done, and it was quarter to eleven

"I guess we are ready to go then"

"But Cady your makeup?"

"Don't worry, I will do it on the way there, we need to leave now anyway"

And with that we piled into two cars, me and Taylor in one (She was my maid of honour) and Cat and Victoria in the other. The nerves started kicking in now and I started to shake and fidget,

"Cady, don't worry, everything is going to be fine, I promise" That settled me and we waited to arrive at the church.


I woke up with a smile on my face and looked up to where my suit was hanging, in less than 4 hours I would be stood at the front of a church, wearing that suit, about to marry Cady. I got up to look for the boys and found them all in the kitchen, waiting for him to finish cooking the English breakfast he had been slaving over. It was half eight so we had two and a half hours to get ready, we had to be there at eleven, ready for the girls to arrive at half past. So we all at our breakfast pretty quickly so we had enough time to get ready. It wouldn't actually take us that long, but we had to prepare for Jaymi, he would be the one to take ages. We were all ready by ten, but we had to wait for Jaymi, he finally was ready half an hour later, so we piled into the cars ready to go. Me and Olly in one (Olly was my best man, I couldn't exactly choose between my bandmates, that would not end well) George, JJ and Jaymi were in the other, it was funny watching them all try and squeeze into the back of the car. The engines started, and off we went. I now started to get really nervous, like really nervous, I couldn't stop shaking,

"Oh my god Olly, the rings, we left the-"

"Right here Josh, I have them its okay, calm down, everything is going to be perfect"

The engines stopped right outside the church, I froze, completely and utterly froze. We were fifteen minutes late, so there was only fifteen minutes until Cady walked down the aisle. I got out of the car and ran inside.


The engine stopped outside the church, and I clambered out of the car,

"Cady, you forgot your makeup"

"Don't worry Tay that was the plan"

We all walked towards the church entrance, to find George, JJ and Jaymi waiting for us. This was it, I was getting married.

"Oh my god, Cady you look..." George said

"Absolutely" Then JJ

"Beautiful" Then Jaymi. George hooked his arm around Taylor's, JJ hooked his around Cat, and Jaymi hooked his around Victoria's. They walked through the doors as the music started, I had to walk in soon, but I froze on the spot.


"Good luck Joshy!!" George, JJ and Jaymi chorused, they had to stay by the church entrance ready to escort Victoria, Taylor an Cat down the aisle. I sat down next to Olly waiting for the music to start, it felt like only seconds before the first note was played, and I stood up seeing my best friends walk down the aisle, waiting for Cady.

Not a Fan or Anything {A Josh Cuthbert/Union J Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now