Chapter 7: Dinner

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It was dinner time and they all sat at the table. Bella looked at Alex to see if the guys were true about his manners.

"Will we be saying grace?" Alex asked.

The Bella's family and Lucas all laughed.

"Honey, just eat the damn food." Her mom said before putting a spoonful of rice on her plate.

Alex just smiled and helped himself to some rice. Bella knew her family was different with everything that most people would be disgusted by. Such as gender roles, her parents didn't care. They always told their daughters to be who they wanted to be and that they didn't have to follow those rules. For manners, they only wanted them to behave when they went out or went to a family or a friends house, but at home, they were free to be themselves. Her parents were always honest with them and very supportive.

"Lucas, my wife tells me that your Bella's best friend."

"Yeas I am." He smiled at Bella. Bella smiled shaking her head. 

"So how'd you two become friends?"

"We were in a lot of classes together last year and we just started talking and then bam we became best friends."

Her father looked at Bella and said. "Not really good at telling stories."

Bella just laughed. Lucas felt uncomfortable, but the rest of the guys were laughing. Ethan looked at Bella and her family. He saw her parents holding hands and smiled at that. He was excited that Brielle was coming tomorrow so he can finally be with her. He missed holding her hand.

"So, do you boys have jobs?" Bella's father asked them.

"Only Ethan," Alex smirked at him. Ethan looked at him and just rolled his eyes.

"Oh, where do you work?"

"Well, I'm on a show."

Bella's mother put down her fork and looked at him. "That's why you look so familiar."

"You watch the show?" Bella asked her mom.

"Yeah, it's an amazing show. You play your character so well." She smiled at Ethan and continued to eat her dinner.

"Thank you."

"What show?" Timothy asked.

"Shameless, remember we use to watch it all the time," Anna explained to her husband.

"Oh right! Amazing show, I have to catch up on a couple of seasons, but truly an amazing show."

"So, you guys film in Chicago and then in L.A right?" Anna asked him.


"Once you're done filming you go back to school?" Timothy asked him.

"Yeah, I only see shameless as a job and once it's over I go back to school and then we film the next season during different times, but I always go back home and continue my school work."

"Have you thought about any college you want to go to yet? Any of you?"

"NYU," Ethan said.

"I'm probably gonna do two years of community and then transfer to an instate school," Alex said.

"Arizona State or Rutgers," Andrew said.

"UCLA or Boston University" Lucas replied.

They all looked at Bella who was looking down at her plate moving her food with her fork.

"How about you sweetie? Any colleges you thought about?"

"Uh, not yet." She told her father.

"Well if anything you can just do what Alex might do. Two years of community and then transfer." Her mother said.

Cold At Night // Ethan CutkoskyWhere stories live. Discover now