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A/N : Hey guys! This chapter is kinda long. Yeah just putting it out there.
I ran down the stairs as quick as I can, my eyes are welling up. This is normal though, when I get irritated or frustrated my eyes tend to automatically release tears and people think I'm actually crying.

I looked for my phone, as I approached the front door. Touching pocket-to-pocket. But nothing. I must've left it at the hotel. "Shit" I quietly muttered to myself. I mean it's fine but Brendon knows my password and might mess with it, also I have nothing to do right now. I am completely lost. It's really early, it's like 7:30AM so malls aren't really open.

I had an idea to go to a park, but that's like 15 minutes away. Still better than nothing though. I thought, convincing myself. I started to walk to go to a park, "Why am I doing this?" I told myself as I roll my eyes. There's really no point but you know, my stupid ass does these things anyway.

I just jogged until I reached the park, why not exercise along the way. Am I right? I saw the sign of the park and "What the heck?" I saw a clear view and nobody's here. I mean usually there are people jogging and kids playing and stuff here right? Even at this early timeframe I usually see people at a park. But just the perfect place to think about what my stupid ass did earlier. It's quiet, and peaceful here.

I sat down on a bench and thought about it. "I literally snapped at Brendon for tripping me." I irritably said to myself holding tight to my hair. He's played worse pranks before so why get angry now? Maybe because I was irritated? But why was I even moody? I'm puzzled about how my own mind works, it's so hard to read and know what's suddenly gonna come next.

"Maybe I should go back now, it's been atleast an hour." I like talking to myself, it makes me feel better. I stood up, still from where I was when I first arrived here. I started walking towards the sign, leading to the exit of the park. But i heard a bustle in the bushes. I quickly turned around and examined my surroundings.

I shrugged it off but I heard it again as soon as I started moving. This time shouting, "Who's there?" and a teen girl jumped out of the bushes causing me to jump in surprise. "Woah" the girl blushing she quickly apologized and asked for a picture. Okay, it's good to know some people actually care about me. "Thank you!" She happily said as we parted ways. I smirked as I left the park, you know people like her make me happy.

I sighed as I enter the hotel. Who knows what Brendon might be doing right now? I bumped into Kenneth and Dan as I go up the stairs. "Hey, Dal." They said in unison. "Where are you going?" I asked them both, "We're gonna grab some food. We have our last day here tomorrow, so we better get some stuff we need." I nodded as Kenneth was speaking. They asked if I wanna come but I said no. So I quickly went back to going up.

As I near my hotel room, my heart starts raising. For all I know Brendon's an ass to me for some reason. I took a deep breath infront of the door before opening it. "Brendon?" I called as I turned the doorknob. I walked in, I couldn't really see since there's the bathroom blocking the bed. I called once again, this time a little bit more louder. "Brendon?" I heard noises from the bed, and I moved closer to see. And it was Brendon standing up, good because I thought he was with someone else. I would've wooped their asses.

"Da-Dallon! I uhhh." He stuttered. What's with the stutter? He's not like this. "Brendon, I'm sorry if I was—" he cut me off as I was about to finish. "Yeah about that, I just want to say sorry for earlier." Oh, well this is like a totally different person. "Oh, well it's fine. I also wanted to say sorry since I was being so moody earlier. I don't even know why I was even angry." I apologized sincerely. I couldn't look at him straight in the eye so I kinda looked down as I was speaking.

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