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I sat on the couch while watching Netflix, anxiously waiting for Dallon's message for the confirmation of his pickup. I've been stressing all day long from the moment I woke up to now, 3PM, since Dallon will be asking his landlord if he could get out of that 'shitty apartment' as he calls it to move in with me. I really hope that he's been approved to move out. I grabbed another chip from the bag as a stupid movie moment came on. "Come on! You could've ran away." I scoffed at the screen as I rolled my eyes. I heard my phone ring from my side, FINALLY! I HOPE THIS IS DALLON. I excitedly thought to myself. I picked up my phone and a beautiful voice came from the other side.

"Hello, Brendon?" Just hearing his voice makes me excited, "Hey, baby. Well, was it approved?" I asked him hoping for a yes. "Uhmm, yeah. It was approved easily thank goodness. You can pick me up tomorrow afternoon? If that's a good time for you." I mentally screamed as I heard 'pick me up'. "Yeah, anytime's good for me." I can't wait to pick him up, I've been waiting for this time to happen and it is, finally! "Okay, well I have to go pack the rest of my things. Good thing I'm smart and didn't unpack the ones that I already had in my bags." He said and we both chuckled, "Okay, I'm gonna go pick up some necessities for you. Don't you dare pack your old toothbrushes and shit. I'm gonna go buy you some new ones okay? Goodbye, babe." I love him, but I won't say it to him yet. I'm gonna tease him, I'm evil, I know. "Goodbye!" He won't even call me babe. I thought as I pouted with the sadness that comes with ending the call.

I waited for the movie to finish up before standing up and preparing to go out buy some stuff for Dallon and grab some groceries in the process. I went in my room to pick a quick outfit. "Eh, a simple shirt will do the job." I quickly grabbed a plain white shirt from my drawer and put it on. I also took my handy dandy jacket, the weather seems to be cold. "Okay, all set?" I asked myself as I looked around my room to see if everything is alright. I approached my bedside table to grab my car keys, and I finally went out of my room and out of the house.

I approached my car and spotted my neighbor, Sarah, who is just watering her plants. "Hey, Sarah!" I called out and she nodded and smiled, she's a really good friend of mine. She's a good person and she's really warm, maybe that's one of the reasons why everybody in this neighborhood likes her. I opened my car door and immediately started the engine, and drove to the grocery store.

As soon as I got there I grabbed a shopping cart and went to the necessities aisle, "Toothbrush, soap, and uh..." I stood there thinking of what else I should grab, Do I need shampoo? I think I'm gonna be picking up everything, the stuff we have in the bathroom is old and nasty. "Shampoo, and this and this." I grabbed all the things I needed and headed to the meat section and took somethings to cook and then some snacks and headed to the counter.

"Cash or credit?" The lady asked politely and I slid out a credit card from my wallet, "Credit." I handed her my card and smiled. By the time I got out of the store, it was a little bit dark. I placed all the groceries at the trunk of my car and headed home. I'm gonna be calling my mom tonight, I didn't really had a chance to talk to her in tour since our schedule was pretty hectic. I need to talk to her about Dallon, I think she'll love him. I mean, she already loves him I shouldn't stress about anything.

I took out all the groceries and placed them to where they're supposed to be in. I took a quick shower to brush off the dirt and to feel refreshed and plopped down to my bed and dialed my mom's number. It rang for a few times and she finally picked up, "Hello, Brendon?" She said from the other line excitedly. "Hi, Mom!" I answered back, "So, how was the tour?" Of course I saw this question coming and I got the answers down my head already, I just can't wait to tell her about Dal. "It was great! It was very fun and inspiring." It truly inspired me though, it makes me wanna do more songs for the people. "That's great to hear! So why'd you call?" Okay, here we go.

"Well, I really missed you and I wanted to talk about someone. It's somebody I, uhh, really like." I heard her squeal, it made me chuckle at how excited she is hearing that I'm starting to like someone. "Really?! So who's the lucky girl?" I sheepishly chuckled, "Well, it's a boy. So yeah." She gasped really loudly, oh shit. Is she gonna judge me? Or hate me? "Really?! Oh I can't wait to hear about him. Is it Dallon?!? Please tell me it's Dally Boy." She really likes Dallon already as a friend of mine, she said he's really nice and respectful and stuff. "Ye-yeah." She squealed one more time this time louder that I had to pull away my phone from my ear, "Well?" I cleared my throat to explain, where should I start? I think I'll start with how I liked him the moment I saw him in the audition and then I'll quickly escalate to our confession.

"Well, ever since I saw Dallon in the audition I knew I liked him. I just tried to stop my feelings, I've been trying to for what? The past three or four years or something? And then just recently, before our tour ended, I came clean and as it turns out he liked me too." Yeah, I kinda fell in love with him before he did to me, I think. "That's beautiful, Brendon. I'm so happy for you, I'm looking forward to seeing both of you. Well I have to go, I have work today. Goodbye, sweetie!" With that she dropped the call before I could say goodbye. My mom usually leaves at around this time since she's on night shift, she could just mingle a little bit before finally starting her day at work.

I plugged my phone to my charger and set it on my bedside table and stood up to brush my teeth and wash my face to prep for sleep.

Dallon. Dallon. Tomorrow. Move in. Dallon. Baby Dally. Daddy Dally.


A/N : This chapter sucks someone shoot me. Brallon is coming, put on your helmets


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