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I patiently waited for Brendon to pick me up, he's supposed to be here at 1pm and well, it's 1:30pm already but whatever. It's not like he's obligated to be here, right? I looked around checking if I left out anything important, and there seems to be none. That's good to know. I sat down on the couch, still waiting for Brendon to come, and as soon as I did I heard someone knock on my door. I opened it and well, a very attractive Brendon stood before me. "You ready?" He smiled at the entrance and gave me a peck on the lips, I couldn't help but smile while we did so. He just makes me so happy, you know? "Yeah." I said as I turned around to grab my bags and some other stuff from my now ex-room. Brendon came in shortly grabbing one of the bags, "Let me help you with that, how do you only have one bag and two suitcases? Is this all your clothes?"He asked with his eyebrows furrowed, I mean I don't have a lot of clothes. I don't really need that much as long as I can cover my body I'm good. "Yeah, I don't need that much clothes. Duh." I giggled and rolled my eyes. "Shoes too?" He asked one more time and I nodded.

We took the elevator down, and as soon as we get in there's this person inside already and holy shit the smell. "Oomf." I heard Brendon made a weird sound and tried so hard not to gag and I looked at him with a pitiful look and we both giggled silently so the guy wouldn't be offended. I mean come on, dude! Consider showering once holy fuck. We approached the car and put the suitcases and the bag inside the trunk of the car and as soon as we got on the car we broke the silence with laughter. "Dallon, have you e-even.." he cut himself off with a wheeze and I did too, finding the situation from earlier really funny. "E-even smelled anything like that before?" He continued laughing loudly and wiping a tear from his eyes. "N-no! Where the fuck would I even find that smell. It's unique! For fucks sake!" We laughed for a few more minutes until Brendon started the car and we drove the way to his house.

"So, what do you want for dinner tonight?" He said breaking the silence within the vehicle. Hmm, do I want anything in particular? Eh I guess not, "Anything would be nice, really." He giggled and smiled like he's up to something. "What?" I said turning to him, curious of what he has in mind, "I don't know... I'm just, you know? Really happy that you're here." I felt my face heat up, and I sheepishly looked down on my knees. "Well," he said as he placed his hand on my knees, "I bought some beef yesterday from the grocery store, if that's fine for you." I nodded and placed my hand on top of his own. His hand, it has this... I don't know. Heat, something I'd love to get used to, I love it, it makes me feel. Loved. I squeezed his hand and stared at it. "I-I love your hands. I ne-ever noticed it before." I gasped and my eyes widened, I just said that out of nowhere. "Aww, thanks. You can let go now because I'm shifting gears and we don't wanna die today, don't we? We've got a lot of cuddles to do before we die." I cringed, I totally forgot and got carried away touching his hand. I shyly chuckled, "Ha ha, ye-yeah." My heart pounded, it's all sinking in again. It's the day I live with my one and only. I smiled at the thought and rested my head, I felt my eyes start to get heavy and I fell asleep in no time.


"Babe, wake up." I heard someone say as I nuzzled my nose and rubbed my eyes, "We're here." I tried to stretched but my ostrich legs wouldn't stretch out fully on this small of a car. I looked at the car clock and it's already 4:56PM. Three hours? We travelled for three hours? No wonder Brendon was late, I couldn't blame him after all. "Well, I'll help you unpack, I'll just cook dinner." I shot up and stopped him before he could get out, "Y-you can help me unpack! But I'll do dinner afterwards. Please? I wanna do something nice for you, after you drove for like three hours or something." I mean come on he deserves it right? His hips and legs are probably tired and he's probably sleepy too. "Maybe I could go unpack all your clothes while you cook. That will make it faster?" Hmm, that is a good idea but like isn't he tired? "Aren't you tired?" He shook his head, "Not for you, no. Plus, it's like two suitcases and one bag. It won't take long." We both got out of the car and he quickly approached me and hugged me. What a cutie.

We took out my suitcases and my bag and I walked up to the front door and looked at Brendon, "Go ahead." He said and I opened the door. Wow, his house is gorgeous! I looked at the left and saw his piano and some other instruments. "Well, I'll just take this upstairs and fix it in the closet and stuff. The beef and some other shit are in the fridge, you can start cooking if you want." I nodded and I made my way to his kitchen and opened his expensive looking fridge, he lives a luxury. No wonder he's so happy. I mean this fridge looks like it costs like a hundred thousand dollars, which it's probably not that expensive but you know what I mean. I took out the beef from the freezer above and some vegetables and placed them on the counter, then I remembered something. "I don't know how to cook." I blushed at the idea of disappointing Brendon with my cooking and he could kick me out in like three minutes or something. Eh, I'll work something out. I watch too much cooking channel to mess up, err, I hope so.

I opened the sink and washed my hands and the beef, do you even wash meat? I took the butcher knife, which is unnecessary considering this looks like it doesn't even have bones in it, a normal knife would work. "Oooookay, let's start." I said to myself flexing my fingers and slicing through the beef, well this isn't going as bad as I thought it was gonna be. I finished up slicing the beef and placed a pan with olive oil on the stove and turned up to maximum heat. I sliced some vegetables. This is going so great! I should be the chef of this household. I giggled at the thought and placed the beef on the pan, I stirred it and left it there to cook. I added the rest of the ingredients and just left everything. In about fifteen minutes, everything will be ready.


I closed Twitter and locked my phone at the smell of something burning, OH SHIT. I forgot that I was fucking cooking! I hurried to the kitchen and fanned off the smoke that the beef, now ash, has emitted. I heard Brendon coming down the stairs and running to the kitchen as fast as he can. "Dal-oh my god!" He rushed to me and turned the knob on the stove to switch it off. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I looked down to the ground in embarassment. "So-sorry. I burnt it." I managed to spit out, Ugh Dallon! What have you done? You just totally disappointed him. I can feel that my face is totally red right now, he approached my with a hug, and tip toed to kiss my forehead. "It's okay, Dallon. I liked pizza better anyways." I looked at him and he gave me a reassuring smile, "Dial the pizza delivery?" He said and a smile crept up on my lips as he laughed. "I'm just gonna clean this off. I'll be back." He said and cleaned up all the mess I made. I shouldn't have offered to cook, the fuck. Now he's tired and he's cleaning up after me.

The pizza came after forever, I opened the door and took the pizza and payed it. "Let's come upstairs." I looked up at Brendon, "Yeah." We approached his room and as soon as we got in we plopped down and put on a movie. It's already 8pm sharp and my first day here would've been better if it wasn't for my cooking skills. Brendon reached up for the duvet and placed it above us, He crept up his hands to my back and rested his head on top of mine, "Hey, B." I said as I snuggled my head further down his chest, "I'm sorry from earlier. I made you clean up after me," he cut me off as he hugged me tighter, I could get used to this everyday, I wouldn't get tired. "Shh, it's fine. You can burn my house down and I'd still be with you." He kissed my forehead again, just like earlier. That made me blush and I can feel my whole body heat up. I'm so glad that it's Brendon. I finally have him, I only dreamt of this. I smiled and kissed his forehead too, "I love you, Brendon." I said gently placing my hand on his cheek, "I love you too, Dallon." I closed my eyes and just felt the moment, not even paying attention to the movie that was playing, "But like seriously, don't burn our house down."


A/N : Well, there you go, brallon fluff. There's some more waiting to be released. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter dafuk thanks to my  bestfren, scumbagbrendon some parts were her idea and I wouldn't have successfully done this without her help so yeah. Also holY SHIT 500 READS THANKS GUYS! I never thought I'd make it here, but thanks to you all, here I am! Love you guys! I appreciate it.


Love Is Not A Choice [brallon]Where stories live. Discover now