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I watched the scene as the taxi I'm in right now makes a turn to meet the front of Brendon's house. I know, I look like a fucking loser to go back to my 'boyfriend's' house but I have nowhere to go right now. I'm not gonna do the immature run away thing because I don't want Brendon to...

Why am I even thinking about him? Did he even have a single thought of me before he kissed that Ryan guy? Who knows? He might or might not but I don't care. Maybe I do care but it's nothing now. Nothing at all.

"Thank you, here ya go." I said as I gave the man my fare and I grabbed to open the door but the guy upfront spoke, "I can tell you have some sort of problem right now. And just a piece of advice, whatever or whoever it is, you must not dodge the problem. You need to face it and solve it." I looked at him with awe, I smiled, "Uhm. Thank you, Uh- sir." And I finally walked out in the open.

I approached the door and unlocked it as I hear the sound of the taxi driving away. I glanced at it one more time before it finally disappeared out of sight. I stopped crying thirty minutes into the ride, and to tell you, a four hour drive from the venue felt like forever on my side.

I walked in and just bothered to remove my shoes and nothing else and I plopped down the couch. I feel tired and slightly broken to even think about going into our room. And I wouldn't know if he'd even like to see me there.

I grabbed the pillow from the couch and placed my head on it, leftover tears falling slowly on the pillow, leaving a wet mark on it. I closed my eyes before I even start crying again, atleast I could temporarily forget everything in my sleep.


I sniffed at least a couple of times as I smelled a fragrance of a familiar scent. I opened my bloodshot eyes as I remembered smelling the same scent the day before.

"Dal..." I heard a familiar voice that is Brendon behind me, I quickly shut my eyes and just ignored him. I didn't wanna turn, and face him. Not right now, not in this condition. I didn't move a finger but he carried on trying to wake me up and talk to me.

"You may be asleep right now, but I just want to tell you that I'll never ever cheat on you, or see anyone else while I'm with you. You might not be hearing this but I just wanted to let it out now, I'd die if I wait another second. But I promise you, I'll never do that. I-I love you." He whispered and I heard sniffles as he did so, is he crying?

I felt his presence stand up before me and he leaned down to kiss my cheek before I heard footsteps going up the stairs.

The man's words last night rang out on my head, "You can't dodge your problems, you have to face it and solve it." Maybe he's right, I should talk to Brendon first thing in the morning.


I woke up, my eyes still a little bit swollen from the saltiness of my tears. I need to talk to Brendon now, I can't breathe and live without knowing the answers as to why he'd do that to me. He knows how scared I was to tell him, let alone have him leave my ass for someone better. I yawned and stretched as I sat up straight and looked around.

I stood up as I rubbed my eyes to consciousness, I need to get myself fixed, like right now. I walked over to the kitchen sink and turned the faucet on. I heard the rippling of the water as it generously falls down from the chrome water outlet, I placed both my hands together to gather a handful of water. I leaned closer to gently splash the water onto my face, I grabbed the mouthwash from the side that we always keep there, I don't know the reason why but Brendon does it anyway.

Love Is Not A Choice [brallon]Where stories live. Discover now