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It has been three days since Dallon ran away, and my anxiety is killing me. We cancelled and moved the tour dates to compensate to the fans.

"Come on. We have to continue our search, We won't stop until we find him." I looked at Kenny and Dan with an obvious worried expression scribbled on their faces. It seems that all their encouragement and hopes that they tried to give me has vanished in their own minds. "Alright. I'll just go change." Kenneth quietly turned around and Dan following him shortly.

I looked up and sighed "Dallon, where can you be?" tears starting to well up in my eyes with the thought of not knowing where Dallon could be wandering right now. I wish I just told him everything rather than denying it to myself. It just got out of hand and it's not getting any better.

Kenneth and Daniel walked out with their jackets on and we quickly approached the door, "Guys, I'll be staying here incase Dallon decides to come back." I heard Zack yell from one of the rooms in the bus. I yelled an 'okay' to let him know that we heard him.

The cold breeze from today swept my face and body and sends shivers across my spine, how can Dallon survive this weather? Scary thoughts fill my mind, for all I know Dallon could be shaking and well dying. And just the thought of that makes me wanna search even more.

We started to search around near places and stores that he might be in. But nothing so far. Noon came quickly and I didn't even notice. I was too lost in my thoughts and worries. "We will start searching to places a little bit farther after we eat out lunch. Okay?" Daniel said as he gestured us to come into a diner.

I don't even have an appetite to eat right now but I have to keep myself sturdy in order to find Dal. We ordered some signature dishes and it looks good but it's not really helping me. "This is really good." Kenneth said as he savors the deliciousness of the roasted chicken. Daniel then nodded but then they noticed me just sitting and not eating at all.

"Brendon, you have to eat. You'll be weak by the end of the day if you don't." I looked at them with my droopy eyes and started to slice into the tender chicken. We finished lunch and we hurried out to the streets to continue looking.

We started to search a little bit farther. Looking into every streets, and corners, and crevices that we could but to no avail, Dallon is still nowhere to be found.

I started crying randomly because this is just too hard to handle now. I am scared for him. He might be kidnapped, he might be being abused right now by somebody.

Nighttime fell and rain started to fall over our heads. I don't mind getting all wet if this is what it takes to find him. "Guys, I'm losing my hope. I really wanna find him. But it seems like we won't. We won't find him anymore." I turned to Dan and Kenny and tears started to fall on my cheeks just like how the rain drops. They opened their arms to hug me and keep me calm.

"We will. We just need to believe." I sobbed in their arms and words of regret started to come out of my mouth "I should've just told him everything rather than to keep it to myself. It should've worked better." I released from their hug and their confused faces looked at each other then me. "Tell him what now?" I just shook my head and turned my back on them. "You'll find out." I said as I wiped my face from my tears and the rain droplets.

Sadness still overflowing through me we turned to the corner to see a man lying on his back. He was wearing a button down polo shirt with black pants and it didn't take long for me to realize who he was.

"DALLON!" I screamed as tears came out of my eyes once again this time rushing even more quickly. I ran towards the tall man lying on the pavement and I picked his head up, he's unconcious. Is he dead? Did he just pass out? It doesn't matter now, he's in bad shape either way.

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