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I woke up way earlier than everyone else. I just laid there beside him though, I wanted to feel the moment. His head is still dug up on my chest and his toned arms wrapped around my waist. I was contemplating yet again, I don't even know. I mean, I'm not used to him being so... clingy, and nice to me.

I just sat there for about an hour until I decided to get up, and thought of maybe preparing breakfast for the boys? I have to give them something nice for giving the effort of trying to find me, right? And this is the least that I can do right now.

I stood up as carefully as I can in an effort not to wake him up. I made my way to the kitchen and took all the ingredients and stuff that I will need. I turned to get some salt in the cupboard but I was stopped with Brendon attacking me with a hug, "Good morning, Dal." I stood there in shock, I didn't know what to do. I stood there for a good 45 seconds with just his arms wrapped around me and his head resting on my shoulders. "Good morning, B. Sorry, I was uh- surprised."

He pulled away and looked at my eyes with his own enticing brown pair. "You didn't say that you were going to get out of bed." His cheeks are blushing and he pouted his mouth playfully. "So-sorry." I looked away and down on my feet. I heard him giggle and I loosened up a little, knowing that he was just playing. "I want to help you cook, is that okay?" He smiled at me and I nodded my head. We started to cook some eggs and bacon with some toast, it's just weird. He's being nice to me again, but I think this time it's for real. He must be for real right?

"I'm gonna go wake up the others." I heard him say as he walked out of the main door, I wish this time there are no jokes. No pranks. No making fun of ourselves. Yes, him being clingy and cute is unusual and weird for me. But I can get used to it, I want to get used to it. A few minutes past and the rest of the boys showed up and they were all surprised to see me there, awake so early. "Oh, Dallon? Why are you awake already? You should be resting." Zack said with his eyes widened as he saw me. "Well, I-uh made breakfast for you all. To maybe, repay you for looking for me even if I was being extra." I smirked as I was explaining.

They all went down to get some food and we were chatting about random stuff. We were just having fun again, now that I've felt this I wont run away like a bitch again. No, never ever again. I just appreciate them now.

"Well, we better get going now. Tour resumes today." Kenneth said as soon as we finished our food. We all just nodded in response. I walked out and made my way to the tour bus that I'm supposed to be in. I heard Brendon scream and I ran back inside. "What happened?"


"I am so glad that I fought for this." He said as he laughed beside me, I looked at him with a playful stank eye. "Yeah, right." I said as I laughed with him. Okay, so a little back story here. Before we left earlier, B realized that he did transfer his things to the other bus but he wanted to be with me in this bus now. So he asked them to transfer his things but we had no time for that, we only had a few hours left for the check of the next tour venue. And so he threw a tantrum to them, but I knew he wasn't for real about the crying and the whining. He's such a forceful meanie.

"What?" He asked as he shot up from sitting down, "We're arriving soon. Let's get ready." He said as he walked away to go to his room, "I'll just go get my stuff." I stood up to get my things for myself. I only need my bass and my phone anyways. So I'll probably grab those and place it in here for convenience.

He went back from his room empty handed and he laughed so hard, so loud. "I forgot that I literally bring nothing but my phone and it's in my pocket." I giggled, "You dummy!" He walked  towards me still laughing like he has never laughed before, "I'm sorry! I am– I am super hyped when I'm with you!" He wheezed and tears of joy filling up his eyes, I'll admit, I barely see him this happy and I'm glad he is while he is with me, it doesn't matter if I'm not the reason why. "Why? Is it because I'm super cute and you're speechless?" I made a try-hard cute face as I asked him playfully. I saw him nod and I was shocked.

What did he mean? What was that nod? What does that mean? He's probably just playing along. I shouldn't think about it too much. I thought to myself while looking at him with a blank face, "Dal? You okay?" I shook my head, quickly getting back from spacing out. "Oh! Ah, yeah." I just said as an excuse, I mean I was just totally anxious there for a second. "You spaced out." His giggle killed the tension at least.

Nighttime came quickly after the soundcheck and the tour resumes finally tonight. "You ready?" Brendon asked me in the backstage as people count down our entrance on stage. I nodded in response, you know I feel extra inspired and motivated right now. I don't know, I think its probably the positive vibe that Brendon has been giving off since last night.

We walked out the stage and the loud screaming that I missed so much is here again. We sang our songs and we took a break in between one of our songs to rest and have some interaction with them.

"DID YOU MISS US?!" Brendon screamed through the microphone and the screams got louder and louder. "I BET YOU MISSED THIS TOO." He said as I noticed him walking towards me, ha! Our stage gay is about to start. I've been waiting for this! Now I know why we didn't do anything in sins earlier, where we usually do it.

He stopped right in front of me, and placed his microphone on his chin. "Hey, Dallon." The screams got louder and louder every second that passes in this lust-y interaction. "Yes, B?" I smiled at him playfully as I placed my bass on my back and he pulled my neck closer, our lips are as close as they can get with the mic blocking the way.

The screams shifted into a word and as other people shouted it too, it got louder and I understood what they were saying, 'Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!' I looked at Brendon as serious as I can and he spoke up. "Do you hear their screams?" A playful smirk formed on his lips and louder the screams became.

I pulled away and looked at the audience with a tease-y smirk on my face, I put my arms up and shook my hand from side to side. Signifying that it wont happen. But to tease them more, ofcourse B had to do it a second time. "Dallon, don't pull away." He pulled my neck closer once again and I heard his microphone drop. The feedback and thud went through the speakers.

His palms touched my cheeks and jaws and soft, little lips touched my own. The screams got louder but my heartbeat was just as loud. What? Is he.. did he? Did he kiss me?! I stood there in shock, stunned and my eyes are widened. The screams seemed to fade out in my ears, but I am sure it is still there. Oh my god. I closed my eyes and kissed him back, I can't believe this is happening in front of thousands of people.

He pulled away and the screams are still as loud as it was before. I looked at Ken and Daniel, and they have an expression on their faces that I couldn't understand. Brendon winked and with no words spoken, he went back to his position and so did I. We finished the performance for a couple more hours and ended the night.

I'm... I'm confused. This explains all the clinginess, the attitude change. But I can't be so sure yet. Does he like me? Is he- is he attracted to me? I'm puzzled. I want closure. I need closure.

Love Is Not A Choice [brallon]Where stories live. Discover now