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Today is the party Ty invited us to, he gave me the details five days ago. I was expecting some sort of crazy house party but I was wrong. It was gonna be in a venue somewhere a few hours from our house, it will have a lot of alcohol though for sure and a lot of other people are gonna be there, mostly band fans and a lot of bands are gonna be attending as well.

Fall Out Boy, and All Time Low to cite some examples. I am pretty stoked and from the behavior Brendon has showed me for the past two days, it looks like he's gonna die from excitement. It's currently afternoon right now and Brendon and I are just fixing and preparing ourselves, we should be there at six in the evening and it's just three in the afternoon so we have plenty of time.

I looked at the mirror in front of me and fixed the collar of the short sleeved, button down polo I was wearing. We didn't need to wear anything fancy, just normal, going out clothes so we didn't need to worry about buying fancy ass suits and stuff like that. I looked over from the bathroom door to Brendon who was just in the bedroom, sillily pulling over a shirt over his head to wear.

I chuckled at the scene and walked over nearer and helped him pull down the shirt. He looked at me with a thankful look, "Thanks." He smiled and I held his hips and pecked him on the lips, "You're welcome." I smiled back. Tonight, I'll show everyone how grateful I am for the amazing person Brendon is, and how he's my little baby boy.

Kenny and Dan will be going with us, despite having a vacation tomorrow. Instead of fixing and preparing their stuff, here they are, attending a party a day before their flight. They'll be gone for two weeks too so I guess they'll be enjoying themselves and I'll be enjoying Brendon. "Ready, babe?" I asked as I walked back to the bathroom to comb my hair, I looked back at Brendon who slid on a leather jacket and chuckled, "Yeah."

We heard someone call out from downstairs and it sounds like it was Kenny and Daniel, we went downstairs and I slid on a pair of shoes and Brendon did the same. We opened the door to see the two boys towering over our sat down bodies. "Well, you guys ready?" Kenny asked and I stood up, "Yes. Yes we are." I glanced over through the boys' shoulders to see Tyler and Josh inside their car. I waved at them and they smiled.

"Okay, well let's get going. It is a few hours away after all." Dan said and we all made our way to the car. "Hey, guys." Tyler greeted us as we entered the small vehicle. The car isn't too small but it isn't too big either, just enough for the four of us to fit back in here which is not really helping given that my legs are too long and I'll be stuck here for a couple of hours.

Tyler started to drive and I just awkwardly sat beside Brendon and Kenneth, who was evidently drowsy already ten minutes into the drive. I tilted my head back and rested it on the head rest. It wasn't too comfortable but I can work it out. Soon enough, My eyes started to grow heavier and heavier as the second passes and before I even know it, I am fully asleep.


I woke up mid way to the venue, I looked out to the window and see the sun starting to set. "What time is it?" I whispered to Brendon who was the only one wide awake in the vehicle, other than Tyler who is driving the car. "It's about five twenty. We're almost there, we hit some traffic thirty minutes ago. I guess we'll still make it there in time." He whispered back and I just shrugged, resting my head on his low hanging shoulders which made my neck hurt.

"You shoulders are so low." I shot up and pouted my bottom lip to Brendon, who just chuckled and set his head down on my shoulders instead. "Well, yours are high enough for me so let me." We both chuckled and I just watched out the scenery from the window. I tilted my head again and closed my eyes, but sleep isn't coming back. I guess I'll just wait until we get there, my legs are pretty sore now though.

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