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I woke up in the same hospital room, just a small dim light illuminating Brendon's bed. "Brendon is dead." The doctor announced, my eyebrows furrowed with confusion. Dead? But he was alive yesterday, he was awake. "Brendon? But-but he was awake. Wh-what happened?" I asked, insisting my belief. He was actually awake, he even caressed my cheek if I remember correctly. "He's dead, Mr. Weekes. I'm sorry." The doctor pushed, I started to shake my head in disbelief.

Was that all a dream? Did he wake up in my sleep? "No..." I swallowed the lump in my throat that made it hard to talk, "It can't be." I ran to his bed, I shook him violently. This isn't real, he spoke to me already. He kissed me, he held my cheeks and my hands. "Brendon—" He can't leave me now, not now that the only thing I know is that he's alive. "Brendon!" I screamed repeatedly, tears rushed on my cheeks. "Dallon." The doctor's voice rang behind me, "Dallon. Dallon!"


"Dallon!" I opened my eyes as I heard Brendon's voice, I felt cold sweat flow down my face and my heartbeat was strong. I breathed heavily and hugged Brendon. "Dallon, you were having a nightmare again." Brendon hugged me back, he shushed and comforted me. "It's okay, Dallon." He rubbed my back and I tried to catch my breath and explain what I saw in my horrible dream. "I thought you were dead, Brendon. I-I..." I paused, unable to continue my story. It felt terrifying, I'm just glad that it wasn't real. "I'm alive, I'm very much alive. I won't leave you, Dal." We moved out positions so out heads would rest on the headboard.

I lowered my entire body to make my head perfectly parallel to his shoulders, I gently placed me head on it as I got my breathing in control. "Do you promise?" I asked for reassurance, it's been at the least a week and a half since Brendon has recovered but these reoccurring dreams just haunt me. "I promise. Now go back to sleep, we're up early tomorrow." He lied down and cupped me by my side, I lied back down with him and attempted to sleep.


"Dallon?" I vaguely hear Brendon's voice calling from a distance, my head shook from side to side trying to get consciousness back to my body. "Hmm?" I hummed, questioning. "Wake up, babe. It's three am we're gonna miss our flight." He shook me, finally getting me to open my eyes and stretch. "Are you feeling better now?" He asked, I nodded my head and smiled.

"I do. But why in the hell did you choose this early flight?" I said quite sarcastically, I mean we could've gotten the four pm flight but he had to get this one. "So we wouldn't arrive there late? Besides, it could save us from frantically looking for a hotel at twelve midnight." He chuckled, and pulled me up by my arm. "Now, come on and get your ass up if you don't want to be left behind by our flight." I sat up and yawned one more time, I got up and started to grab my towel to get some shower. "Dal, just brush your teeth, wash your face and change." Brendon said as he gathers out suitcases together, we had pre packed two night before this day. "Excuse me?" I asked, confused.

"We're gonna shower in the airplane, we don't have much time left. The plane takes off at four am." He explains, his face displayed something that I'd express as a 'duh' face. "How? Are you crazy or something?" I mean, who showers in airplanes? And when did airplanes get shower rooms? "We're flying first class, babe. Anything is possible." His eyebrows raised in sassiness, I made a face trying to mock him. I dropped the towel and went in the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

"Minty." I gasped with my teeth clench, trying to get the hint of toothpaste in my breath. "Ken and Daniel is here, we gotta go." I nodded my head and changed into a decent looking outfit for the flight. We ran downstairs and we were greeted by a pair of drowsy men. "Good morning, guys." Brendon hugged them as they yawn, he pulled them by the hands to go outside. "We don't have much time, we need to hurry." I followed them and we all got in the car, except for Daniel who placed our suitcases in the trunk. "Off we go!" Brendon weed like a child in the back, his hands were up high in the air.

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