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I held my head up a little, tilting to the side as Tyler fixes my navy blue bowtie. "This is it." I said as I smirked that I couldn't help but show. "You're getting married." Tyler replied, he patted both my shoulders as he finishes. "Are you ready?" He asked, I shut my eyes and took a deep cleansing breath, "As ready as I'll ever be." We hugged each other and we went our way down to get to the car that will take us to the wedding venue. It's gonna be a beautiful seaside wedding right before the sunset.

We shut the door to the car and I see a man upfront who would drive us there, "Hello, and congratulations." He smiled as he shifted the gears, the vehicle moved shortly right after. I watched the scene pass by quickly, my heart raced just as fast in the realization of my wedding. It just hits me like a brick every time. The sun beamed through the car window and I squint my eyes, "Oh." I tried to cover it with my palms but it wasn't really helping that much. "You okay there, Dal?" Tyler asked giggling, "Yeah. Just... a little—sun." I chuckled.

Our wedding is going to start in forty-five minutes, the sun is just a little bit above the horizon. I checked my watch to see the time to be five fifty. The venue isn't that far, about a thirty minute drive, just the perfect amount of time. "Hey, Ty?" I moved closer to Tyler, his head swung towards my direction and met my eyes. "Yeah?" He asked, "Would you tell me stories about your wedding or proposal or whatever with Josh? I think it'll make me feel... a little bit less nervous." I bit my lip. To be honest, I'm a little bit scared, not because I don't wanna marry Brendon, but because I don't know what's gonna happen. "Sure. So it started when he proposed to me—"

He readjusted his position to have his body entirely face mine, his hand gestures were contributing a lot to the story telling. "He proposed to me on a sunset in a hillside in our hometown in Ohio. We were just visiting home for our third year anniversary as boyfriends." He continued, there was a smile on his face that seemed like he cherished every moment. "My family was there, my dad, my mom, my brother Zack and all the others. You know what's funny is that, they didn't know Josh and I were in a relationship. They thought that we were pranking them as a going home surprise, but little did they know we have been exclusive for three years." He laughed, his cheeks were glowing rosy as he reminisced about the times.

"I was crying and everyone was speechless, their mouths were wide open. Zack even shouted, asking if it was a joke, and I laughed while crying. I shook my head and Zack approached me and hugged me tightly, congratulating me. Zack and I were the closest, and we're not afraid to show how cheesy we could be sometimes. Anyways, my parents followed Zack into hugging me and they let go to hug Josh as well. They had accepted him already, it was... bringing me joy." He sniffed as his eyes got teary. A wide smile was plastered on my face, "How come you never told me this?" I laughed as my eyes got teary as well, influenced by Tyler's emotions.

"I guess, I never got around to doing it." We laughed and he held my hands, "This day will be fun, Dallon. It's unnerving at first, but just you wait, it'll all be worth it." I nodded my head with that and we had more random chats as the car drove past the road quickly.


"Are you still nervous?" Tyler asked as the car stopped right in front of the red carpet, I took a deep breath and smiled. "Yes, but not as much. Thanks, Ty." I watched outside, the people who has attended. Our friends, our families. They're all here at the happiest day of my life. I saw my father approach our distance, he opened the car door and he greeted me with a smile. "Hi, bro." He joked, we used to play around each other when I was young, we were as close as two slices of apples. "Hi... dude." We laughed, he extended his arms forward, creating a v-shaped arc from his elbows to take my hand.

I walked out of the car with a smile plastered on my face, Tyler was behind me and my father was walking with me side by side. Cheers and claps filled the air, their eyes were directly pointing at me. It felt like I'd melt at any given second now. I swayed my head from side to side to check in with the guests, Brendon's family on the left, and mine on the right. And then I had to look straight up to see my fiancé. Brendon.

His beam was undeniably big, his white teeth shining and the sunset beginning at the view of his back. He mouthed a 'hi' and I had to bite my lip to prevent anything disastrous. We reached the end and Brendon took me from my dad, they bowed their heads as a sign of respect to each other. This is it.

"Brendon and Dallon, we are gathered here together to witness the love and respect you have for each other." The priest started, excitement and overwhelm slowly took over my mind and soon enough, I knew I wasn't listening to anything.

I kept glanced at Brendon, who, looked like he was paying attention to everything, every detail. His brown eyes were being highlighted by the remaining sunlight beams as the sun sets on the horizon, giving it a slightly orange tinge. I got lost in his sight, I removed my view and returned it just as fast.

Minutes had passed and the priest was still saying his speech, and my ears weren't giving any focus on it. Just to my fiancé. "Brendon and Dallon, please face face each other and repeat after me." The priest said, Brendon swiveled his body to face me, and I sat there still. A solid move on my feet brought me back to the right consciousness, I gasped quietly, one that nobody would hear. "Oh-uh." I turned my body around as well, mimicking what Brendon had done.

"Dallon, I come here today to join your life for years, I pledge to be true to you, to respect you, and to grow with you through the years. I vow here today that this love will be my only love. I will make my home in your heart from this day forward." Brendon repeated the priest's words, his eyes were full of sincerity as he looked through my pair. I repeated the same words as the priest asked me to, still staring at Brendon's chocolate brown eyes.

"May I have the rings please." The priest requested, our ring bearer was not a child, but it was Josh. He walked down the aisle with a fancy pillow on his hands, the rings resting on top of it. He stood in front of us and held the pillow near his chest.

"Dallon, what I have to give you is the promise to take you as my only love from this day forward. To stand by your side, to listen when you speak, to comfort you when you cry, and to join your laughter with my own. Take this ring and be a part of my life forever." He repeated, I held my right hand up. Brendon gently slides the ring on my ring finger and the priest asked me to repeat what he says.

"Brendon, what I have to give you is the promise to take you as my only love from this day forward. To stand by your side, to listen when you speak, to comfort you when you cry, and to join your laughter with my own. Take this ring and be a part of my life forever." I said word for word, and I slide in the same ring on Brendon's finger.

"Brendon and Dallon, as you have consented together in lawful wedlock and thereto have pledged your faith to each other, and have declared the same by joining hands and giving and receiving of rings and exchanged your first gifts as a married couple and by the powers vested in me as a Justice of the Peace, I now pronounce you are now married! If you wish to seal this marriage with a kiss, you may now do so." Shouts and claps once again filled the place, this time louder as the priest announced our wedlock.

Brendon held my back and pushed me down with his lips to give me a passionate kiss, my right foot raised in the air with the goofy but sincere kiss. Some had made wolf whistles, and some made their screams louder.

From this day forward, I can now officially be called yours and I can call you mine.

I am Dallon James Weekes-Urie and this has been the crazy story of my relationship with my now husband, Brendon Weekes-Urie. "That made me teary eyed, just looking back at it, Dally." Brendon said as he closes the photo book from our wedding. "I know, me too."

The End


ANNOUNCEMENT BTW : I'm working on a new story that will come out really soon, the choice of characters aren't from bands but please, if you could, please try to read it and look beyond the characters and into the storyline. That is all.



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