Love (Ferid x Reader)

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"Oh (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N!)" Ferid cries out as he strolls along the pristine halls of the Vampire Kingdom, a sadistic smile plastered across his face.

You step out from the library with a couple of new books to read smiling up at him innocently. "Yes lord Ferid?" You ask him politely for you were only a human and getting on his bad side would probably be a terrible idea.

He grins at you happily, a genuine smile showing through for a second or two before returning to its orginal, annoying smirk. "I just wanted to spend some time with my favourite human" he says happily as he wraps his arm around your waist. "I've finally been allowed to spend some time alone with you away from the mean queen Krul" he cries out dramatically as he follows you to your room.

You sigh softly as you look up at him, how you ended up living with such a drama queen was beyond you. "Just wait out here for a minute while I put these books in my room" you say softly as you point towards your door. The noble nods eagerly in response as you turn away opening your door and shutting it quickly.

You walk into your room humming to yourself as you place the books on your bed stretching before walking back towards your room's door.  Ferid had picked you up off of the streets on the day the virus destroyed most of mankind and has kept you ever since, he was always kind and has never drank your blood (which for a vampire with no self control is quite good). This made you think that you had terrible blood, not that it mattered though as you lived quite a luxurious lifestyle for a human, mostly because Ferid gave you whatever you asked for.

As you stepped through your doorway you came face to face with a very eager vampire. You shut the door behind you before joining the platinum haired bloodsucker on a walk. "Where are you taking us?" You asked quietly as you glanced a large hall that you were passing.  "Well (Y/N), I'm taking you to see the sunset" he says innocently looking down at you as you nod in response. "Like outside? In the human world?" You asked eagerly thinking over what he had just said.

Ferid nods in response and smirks at your enthusiasm. "Yes my sweet little lamb, the human world" he says as he takes your hand in his own squeezing it lightly. You tense up as you feel his hand grasp your own, a blush coating your cheeks in response to his bold actions.

As you reach the human world you gasp in awe at the beautiful scenery around you. "It's beautiful up here Ferid" you whisper as he picks you up bridal style making your squeal in surprise before carrying you to the roof of a tall scyscraper overlooking the city.

As he let's you down you walk around looking at the run down city. "It's just as I remember it, over there's the subway, and over there's the theatre!" You cry out remembering old memories as you point at several parts of the city.  Ferid only smiles and leans against the railings of the building. "I'm glad that you're enjoying this" he says happily before walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Your blood smells so sweet" he whispers into your ear sending shivers down your spine. "But it isn't my lord..." you whisper in response, closing your eyes as a gentle breeze kisses your face lightly as the sun shines down highlighting your stunning features. "You've never drank my blood before, you've never wanted to..." You continue quietly.

Ferid shakes his head in response kissing your neck lightly. "No (Y/N) dear, that's not it. You see, I've been attracted to you since when I first layed eyes on you all those years ago. Your blood is so tempting to me, but I can't bear to watch your beautiful, fragile body break beneath me as I drink your blood." He whispers honestly into your ear.

Your breath hitches slightly as you hear his sweet words. "Th-thank you Ferid, that's very kind of you" you say as you place your hands on top of his own before turning around to face him, the sun making you admire his attractive features even more.

"Now, there's a reason why I brought you here (Y/N)" he says sternly as he looks down at you, the light breeze allowing his long hair to sway from side to side gracefully. "I want you to become a vampire, I can change you into one because of my position as the 7th progenitor. I want you to live with me (Y/N). I love you." He says sincerely as he rubs your cheek lightly.

You chew your lip in thought before looking back up at him. "I love you too Ferid, I have for quite a while now, you're the only person that's ever truly cared about me." You answer closing your eyes as you take a deep breath. "Okay... Change me into a vampire" you whisper quietly as you look up at him smiling.

The noble nods in response as he smiles at you innocently. "Yey! My sweet little angel can stay with me forever" he says as he lays you down on the floor. "Now it will hurt, but I'll try to make it as painless as possible" he whispers, his breath on your neck only making you shiver in anticipation.

As his fangs pierce your neck you wince in pain gripping onto his shoulders tightly. As he slowly drained you of blood your grip loosened on his shoulders and your eyes closed in exhaustion. Once your body had gone limp, Ferid bit the inside of his mouth allowing it to well up with his own metallic tasting blood before bending down and locking lips with your own passionately allowing you to drink his blood. 

After the change had happened you sat up leaning on Ferid for support as you drank his blood eagerly, your throat burning from the thirst you were feeling. After you were finished drinking from the 7th progenitor's neck you hugged him gently allowing him to embrace you, your lips locking in a passionate kiss before turning to look at the setting sun.

"It's beautiful" you whisper in awe smiling happily as the bright golden orb shining it's rays down upon the city. "Not as beautiful as you (Y/N)" Ferid whispers in your ear as he holds you tightly enjoying the view. "Let's just enjoy this moment before we go and tell queen Krul the news" the noble states happily. "Don't worry, I'll never let anyone hurt you my love" he whispers as you shiver at the thought of meeting the 3rd progenitor.

As the sun finally disappeared below the horizon you and Ferid slowly walked back towards home talking about the future and planning your explanation to Krul. But one thing became very clear to you... You were Ferid's queen, and he always would be your king.

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