Their favourite place to kiss you

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Yuichiro- He likes to kiss you on your forehead whenever he can. The display of affection (no matter how small) shows that even though he may not show it all the time, he loves you with all his heart.

Mikaela- He always kisses your hand whenever you two bump into each other or meet. You're his princess, his one prized possession and repecting you proves that he will praise you, love you and cherish you for eternity.

Yoichi- He loves to kiss your cheek whenever he can, his innocent nature causing you both to blush at his surprising actions.

Shiho-  He's not a fan of P.D.A so only kisses you when you're both alone. He loves kissing you on your lips whilst holding you tightly in an embrace, a blush coating his tsundere cheeks.

Guren- He loves to kiss your lips when you're alone, in public, on the battlefield. Anywhere. Your lips are like a drug to him and he can't get enough.

Shinya- He loves kissing your hair whenever you two are alone, your soft locks allowing him to relax in your company as you both share the peaceful moment.

Kureto- He enjoys kissing you on your eyelashes. He isn't one to show emotion around other people, but when he's alone with you he allows himself to relax and kissing your eyelashes comforts him. To know that you are still there with him makes him the happiest man alive.

Ferid- He loves kissing your neck. His teeth gently scraping across your skin, not enough to draw blood, but enough to keep you on your toes. He loved seeing you like this, always wondering what was going to happen next. You intrigued him and he couldn't get enough of you.

Crowley- He loves nibbling your earlobe. The way you flushed at his actions made him proud that he had managed to make you blush. He usually puffed out his chest afterwards and cuddled you whilst bragging about himself, complimenting you and complaining about vampires that he disliked.

Lacus- His favourite place to kiss you is your collarbone. He loved leaving his mark on your body to tell others to back off, and what better place to do it than there, where it's visible to all eyes.

René- He doesn't show emotion usually, but you knew he cared by the way he lightly kisses your nose from time to time. The sweet gesture enough to make you smile, which in turn, made him smile... which is a rare sight indeed.

Asuramaru- He loves to kiss your shoulders as he embraces your body. He wants to prove to you that he does love you and care for you... Plus lightly kissing your shoulders as you hug is one of his favourite pass times.

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