Dreams (Asuramaru x Reader) Part 1

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You jolt awake, your head spinning and body aching as you sit up and look towards the clock on your bedside cabinet.


You groan in irritation as you flop back down in bed rubbing your temples in a soothing way as you do so.

It has been several weeks since your first encounter with the demon Asuramaru. He visited you frequently throughout the week in your dreams to speak to you, taunt you, make fun of you and laugh at your 'human' qualities. Yet, even though you feel like throttling the purple-haired demon every time he visits and interrupts your much loved sleep, you can't help but enjoy his company.

You closed your eyes as you calm down your racing heart, your flushed skin burning to the touch. "Damn this guy, all I want is sleep so that I don't get killed by vampires yet this goddamn bastard has to come along and ruin everything" you muttered quietly to yourself.

You knew that he was once a vampire and that his personality was of a sadistic and sarcastic nature, but you couldn't help but look into his eyes. The mixture of hope, love, but also hatred, anger and suffering which constantly showed whenever he spoke to you. His ethereal voice that calmed you and agrivated you at the same time. He was immortal, and the years of life and experience showed. He never exposed his emotions for too long. He never let you move closer to him, never let you truly understand him. But he keeps on visiting! You wanted to know why he bothered you, why he spoke to you and no one else.

"Damn that guy" you whispered sleepily before resting your head on the soft pillow allowing darkness and peace to envelope your sleeping body.


You stepped forward towards the demon, his blade beneath him as he balanced on the finely crafted weapon. The fabric of your nightwear swaying slightly in the warm breeze surrounding your body. "Why am I here again?" You ask reluctantly as you walk towards him. The surface beneath your feet resembled a cloud as your walked towards the impressive demon, his clothes swaying in an un-natural breeze around his ankles, his soft hair wafted gracefully behind him surrounding his body with an immortal presence.

Upon hearing your name he smirked, his eyes glowed a bright red in the pale light of the dream. Managing to expertly hop off the katana and hold in loosely in his left hand he walks towards you, his grin only growing as the weapon disappears. "(Y/N) I'm happy to see you here! I didn't think that you would want see me again I'm the same night. Did you miss me?" he says sarcastically as he stops a few feet from you. "I didn't have a choice. You dragged me here" you say bluntly, your eye twitching in response.

He chuckles at your angry response. "But I enjoy your company, you should feel privileged that I make time to speak to you instead of Yuu" he states loudly, a smirk plastering itself across his face as he looks at you with his beautiful red eyes and pale complexion. His aura caused your hairs to stand on end and for all the muscles in your body to be filled with adrenaline, but you couldn't move at all. You were glued to the spot as his ruby red eyes stared down at your sparkling (E/C) eyes.

"Hah yeah...." you managed to say awkwardly in reply as he stepped towards you closing the gap between your two bodies. He smiled a genuine smile as you responded to his egotistical statement. Gathering courage you look at the demon in front of you with wide eyes. "What do you want?" You asked, a shiver running down your spine.

Asuramaru glanced to the side as he rested his hand on the crook of his neck rubbing it awkwardly, his entire personality and body softening before he looked at you once again. "Well that's the thing (Y/N)... I need to speak to you about something important.

He continues to look away as he speaks. "I know that I've been visiting you a lot recently... but I have an explanation." You groan in response as you place your hands on your hips. "Well then tell me because quite frankly, you've become quite annoying in the past week or so" you say trying to sound angry as a smile tugs on the corners of your mouth.

Upon hearing this he turns to face you with a serious expression. "For a human you interest me, you keep me guessing in our conversations and manage to make me feel emotions that I haven't felt for centuries." Upon hearing this confession your cheeks become flushed and you look towards the ground and it's wispy appearance.

"Why are you telling me this now. Usually you act like a full blown dick to me, teasing me and insulting me when you can." You stutter back, your (E/C) eyes glinting in the heavenly light.

Asuramaru smiles at you and wraps his arms around you in a tight embrace, your arms dangling loosely at your sides. "Because I can't hide my feelings from you for any longer" he whispers into your ear as he rests his head on your own. "I love you (Y/N)" he murmurs as he plays with your hair.

You close your eyes as many emotions run through your body. You knew how you felt, but forming the words and saying them was so difficult. Smiling you look up at him and cup his cheeks gently. "I.... I love you too Asuramaru..." you stutter and you lean up and kiss him on the cheek.

He grins for ear to ear as he pulls you back into an embrace. "I will always protect you sweet (Y/N), and will cherish every moment that we spend together" he whispers as you feel the dream begin to fade away.

"I'll see you tomorrow my love" he says sweetly before he fades into darkness and the sound of an alarm fills your mind.


You curse in anger as you wake up to the sound of your clock.


You silenced the alarm before throwing the covers off of your body and throwing them to the side. As you dragged yourself out of bed ready to start your day, you couldn't wait for the night to come so that you may meet your demon once again.

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