Yuu Number 2! (JEALOUS Yuichiro x Reader)

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Yuu's P.O.V

Look at that disgusting creature over there. Touching my (Y/N). MY (Y/N)!
Look at it breathing and shit. Thinking that it can take away my girlfriend.

(Y/N) isn't even paying attention to me anymore. She's too obsessed with that overgrown pom pom. BLOODY GINGER POM POM!

Yuu growled slightly under his breath as he stared down at the creature in (Y/N)'s arms, the pom pom's green eyes staring right back into his soul.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

You looked down at the small dog that was currently sat on your lap, the pomeranian's tongue was currently grooming your left hand because it clearly thought that you needed a bath. It was such a cute dog, you just couldn't resist taking him home to your shared apartment with Yuu.

You found the doggo when you were out with the squad rescuing some children from an abandoned train station and you couldn't just leave him there to be killed by some nasty vampire! So taking him back home was the best idea, plus he became attached to you and within a matter of seconds was like your little baby.

Yuu, of course didn't take to the dog straight away and was currently glaring at the dog, failing to notice that you were watching him watching the dog.

"I'm thinking of calling him Yuu number 2" you said, breaking the silence as you look up at your boyfriend grinning from ear to ear. He looked at you with utter shock before pouting and looking away from you, folding his arms. "Why would you call that thing Yuu number 2?! Devil dog suits it much better!"

You laugh at his statement and roll your eyes holding the dog closer to you. "Just because he's ginger? Gingers have souls too!" You cry out before kissing the dog on the head causing Yuu number 2 to yap happily and Yuu the original to become even more agitated than before.

You smirk at his reaction and the place the dog on the floor before standing up and sitting on Yuu's lap. You kiss his cheek and smile at your lover before looking back down at the dog to see him playing with a ball that you found on your way back home.

"You know that you mean the world to me don't you?" You ask Yuu. He nods on reply before leaning in and stealing a kiss from you before wrapping his arms around you protectively. "I know that dear" he replies before looking into your (E/C) eyes and smiling. You raise your eyebrows and smirk as you flick his nose playfully. "Then why are you getting jealous of Yuu number 2?"

"I'm not! You're imagining things!"

"Oh really? You sure about that Yuu?"


"Liar, liar, pants on fire!" You sing before being tackled to the floor by Yuu. Letting out a small squeal you start to laugh uncontrollably as he starts to attack your sides, tickling you to shut you up. Yuu number 2 ran up to you both and started licking your face taking the opportunity to join in with the fun, yapping playfully.

"I love you" you whisper, leaning up to capture Yuu's lips in a loving kiss before smiling up at him. "I love you too (Y/N)" Yuu replies, a blush covering his cheeks as he looks at the dog.

"So can we keep Yuu number 2?" You ask hopefully staring up into Yuu's eyes. He looks away sighing in defeat, smiling at your hopeful expression he leans down and kisses your nose. "Fine, but you need to clean him because he stinks." You clap your hands happily and nod. "Deal!" You see your lovers expression of uncertainty and you reach up and caress his cheeks gently.

"Just think of Yuu number 2 as a little baby! Get us ready for the future!" You say, wiggling your eyebrows as you laugh at his flustered expression. "I'm only teasing!" You laugh as you reach out and rub the dogs belly smiling happily knowing that you had won Yuu over.


"So.... (Y/N)... why did you call him Yuu number 2?"

"Because he's a cutie patootie! Just like you!"

"S-shut up!"


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