Remember Me! (Guren x Reader) Part 3

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

It had been three months since our meeting on the roof, time seemed like nothing to me anymore. I was happy, of course the threat of vampires never diminished and the army grew more restless with each passing day, but none of that mattered when I was with Guren.

He was sarcastic, lazy and a pain in the ass, but to me he was my world, he treated me with so much love and respect... not to mention he hardly left me alone on missions now, but I didn't care as it was an extra few hours each day that I could spend by his side.

I moved into his apartment, which (to my surprise) was cleaner than expected, though in his room, there was a single chair dedicated to holding his uniform and other clothes, which when left unattended, would grow at a rapid pace. The kitchen was the size of my old apartment, and the bedroom was huge, with an ornate wardrobe which held both of our clothes. The bed was comfortable with warm sheets and a soft touch, but Guren was a sheet thief, and held no remorse when sleeping, usually leaving me in his oversized shirt and a pair of joggers exposed to the elements of the room, not to mention his quiet snores that were like clockwork. But waking him up in the morning always made my day. How his expression went from one of anger and irritation to compassion and love. On the odd occasion I would jump on him at 5am in the morning, forcing him out of bed for a bit of early morning training, followed by a kiss and joint shower. However he never woke up on his own without a prompt....

Which is why I was so surprised this morning, when at 4am he woke me up with a kiss and a tickle. Obviously seeing him this awake at this time in the day made me suspicious, but I thought nothing of it as he dragged me out of bed in my tired state. "What are we doing?" I asked, my hair sticking up after being rested against the pillow. He had a glint in his eyes, a cheeky one which he failed to hide as he went down to my level, straightening out my (H/C) strands of hair and kissing my lips. "You'll just have to wait to find out."

Before I even had a chance to reply he'd thrown a top and pants at me, ordering me to get dressed in his most 'serious' voice with a threat of being sore between the legs for a week if I didn't comply. Rolling my sleepy eyes I did get changed, and sorted my hair out, but not without noticing that it was still dark outside as I finished zipping up my jacket.

As I stepped out of the room into the electronically lit living room I witness Guren sat staring at me from his favourite plush chair, a genuine smile on his face as he stands up, showing off his body in his casual attire. "Could you ever look ugly?" With a huff I laugh, poking his nose and stepping back, "I mean, if you want me to then I could get some tips from Kureto" I gesture at my features with a teasing wink, laughing a bit as Guren's face turns to one of horror. "No thank you (Y/N), never go near that man." He mutters with a hint of jealousy.

That's when he grabbed by wrist, in a secure grip taking me up to the top of the building we went on three months ago. The cracks were still lap familiar to me, and the crisp night air filled my lungs as I looked up at the stars. Towards the end of the building a mat was layed out, with two cushions. Guren only stopped beside the mat, sitting you down before lying beside you, an arm wrapped around your waist as he pulls you down with him, a comfortable silence filling the air.

In your mind you traced the constellations you remembered being taught as a child while Guren admired your features, a warm smile on his lips. Catching him in the act you continue to stare at the brightening sky. "Take a picture, it will last longer" I mutter, turning to face him. Scoffing in response he rolls on top of you, pinning you down with his unforgettable smirk. "What are we doing here?" I question as I reach out a hand, tracing his jawline with a light finger, burning each one of his features into my mind so that I could never forget him again. He shrugs his shoulders, irritating me slightly. "You never wake up this early!" I cry out in hysteria as I roll him over, pouting "So tell me mister! If you want more food you can just ask" I state jokingly as a low laugh leaves his lips.

It was quiet for a few moments as he rolls back onto his side of the worn mat, an almost silent but angry mutter leaving his lips "Goshi said this would work, I should have just done it my way, why did I listen to that perverted fool!" Furrowing my brows I look over at him, taking a hold if his hand.

"Just tell me" I whisper, the sound of birds chirping as the sun rose up into the sky, sending streaks of colour through the air, warming up the world. A blush, now matching the colour of the sky was on his cheeks as he turned to face you. "I love you (Y/N) I truly do, you've given my life purpose, a reason to fight." He choked on his words, a small tear brimming in his eyes. "After all that I've done I've been blessed with you..."

I awe at his words, noticing how this usually cold man was opening up. "I can't stand to lose you again" he continues as he moves up onto one knee, looking down at you as you prop yourself up on your elbows, his hair shadowing his features.

A deep breath was taken, followed by silence as he looked down at you, his lips trembling as he reached into his back pocket, pulling out a single silver ring, a small gem encrusted into the centre of it. "Please (Y/N) (L/N) will you stay by my side for eternity?" You were silent ad tears brimmed in your eyes, a happy whine leaving your lips. "I know this might not mean nothing in the world, but it will show others that you're mine, and I am yours."

You nod, a vigorous nod as you accept the ring which slipped perfectly onto your ring finger before pulling him into a bright embrace, capturing his lips in a kiss. While the world around you illuminated, casting shadows over the buildings. "I love you Guren Ichinose" I cry out, so happy that in spite of what has happened, I have him, the love of my life.

Spending the rest of the day on the roof, you both got roared at by Kureto for missing a weekly meeting, but you both didn't care, as you were with eachother, feeling like nothing in the world could break you apart.


"Hey Guren?" You ask as you lay in bed, after a long night in the bedroom, your legs tangled with his own. "How did you know the ring would fit me?" A grin plastered upon his face, yet he was serious. "I measured it while you were sleeping then ordered Shinoa to find one.. otherwise I'd tell Yuu about her little crush." I coughed twice in amusement, before reaching over and ruffling his hair, you're such a creep." Though that statement didn't go down well as he decided to sit on you until you apologised... Which you did... eventually.

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