Patrol (Lacus x VAMPIRE Reader)

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You were the 16th Progenitor. Your (S/C) and (H/L) (H/C) contrasted beautifully with your ruby-red eyes. Your fangs were delicate yet deadly but they were not the most dangerous part about you. The weapon that hung at your side was; The ornate pommel and razor-sharp blade that was wielded with deadly accuracy due to your skill in battle which was perfected over many centuries.

You were one of Krul's most trusted friends and many vampires praised you, worshipped even. Yet you followed Ferid around. You didn't trust his sly nature, his sharp tongue and sadistic ways. He got on your nerves, making you angry and he knew it. You couldn't wait until he made a small mistake, because you would be waiting to impale that sneaky fox. To send him back to hell where he belongs.

Today was just like any other day. You were patrolling the city of Tokyo on the look out for any stray humans with Lord Ferid and two of his preferred soldiers, Lacus and Rene. "You do know that you don't have to follow me round all the time dear" Ferid purrs as he looks at you with a smirk. Continuing to look over the surrounding area you don't make eye contact with the noble. "I know I don't, but I'd rather be around just so I can kill you when you slip up" you growl as you rest your hand on the pommel of your blade, your fingers wrapped tightly around it. From behind you can see Lacus smiling from your smart comment and Rene continue to to search the surroundings, his emotionless face causing you to frown.

Just as the tense atmosphere was starting to fade you hear a human trip over some rubble a block away and another run in the opposite direction. You sigh before looking towards Ferid and smirking. "You take Rene and I'll take the purple haired one" you say sternly before signaling for Lacus to follow you. As the platinum and black haired vampire take off in the opposite direction you and Lacus head towards the direction of the crumbling rubble at full speed.

As you turn the corner of an old shopping mall you come across the sight of a young girl with short brown hair and blue eyes trapped underneath a large pile debris. You stop in front of the cowering girl and look down at her shaking body, her breaths quickening. You glance to your right to see Lacus licking his lips, his purple hair shining in the afternoon sun. "Kill her quickly Lacus" you say as you pull off a few pieces of remains from the young girl allowing her to free herself. "I can tell that you're hungry so feed from her quickly." You state before resting your hand on the pommel of your sword and looking at the soldier with a bored expression.


The body of the child dropped to the concrete floor with a thud, her lifeless body lying limply on the ground. You look up to see Lacus wiping his mouth with his hand removing any trace of the young girls blood from his body. "Thank you for that my lady" he says as he bows politely in respect. You shrug in response and smile at the vampire. "Call me (Y/N). There's no need for formalities when we're alone."

The purple haired soldier smiled at you before stepping beside you to look over your ethereal features. "I know, but I like to be polite to my girlfriend! Especially when I know that you could kill me in the blink of an eye... and because of Ferid you've been angrier than usual" he states as he waves his hand dismissively.

You and Lacus have been dating for just over a century now. His attitude and personality drawing you towards his like a moth to light. Nobody knew for it was your little secret. He was your eyes when you couldn't watch Ferid, your lover, soldier and spy. You both loved each other greatly, two souls that connected upon first glance. You were made for each other.

You smiled to yourself before shaking your head and smiling. "Yeah yeah I know... sorry about that" you say before looking around the area. Scattered cars, bags and debris lay everywhere, no sign of life what-so-ever. But you felt something, like a trap, a surprise... and you hated surprises. Just as you were about to warn Lacus you saw three tigers charging towards you and your lover from a high rise building. You push Lacus out of harms way, your body and mind instantly alert. A large indentation was left from where the demons had connected with the ground, a large layer of concrete dust coating your clothes and hair. You groaned in irritation as you looked at the sleeve of your right arm. "That's gonna be a pain to get clean now" you tut to yourself before turning to find Lacus completely unharmed.

"Thanks for that (Y/N)... if it weren't for you then I'd be dead now!" He states cheerfully whilst scratching the back of his neck. You roll your eyes before shaking your head in disbelief. As you glance around you see many soldiers appearing from the hidden depths of buildings. You growl in annoyance before dusting yourself off. "Yes I know that, so why don't you take some time out and I'll handle this guy alone." Your boyfriend nods with a sheepish grin as he watches you run towards one of the soldiers who you killed instantly, his blade breaking upon impact as you swing it at his neck, your weapon slicing his head off in one foul swoop. You continue to cut through soldiers one after another, the humans dropping like flies. As you turn to check on Lacus you see that he is surrounded and run over to help, killing off the squealing livestock swiftly. As you turn you see many more soldiers appearing and you shake your head in dissaproval. It was a trap from the start!

You grab Lacus by the wrist and drag him to safety behind some buildings a few blocks away. "We need to go and find Rene and Ferid" you say in a calm tone of voice. Lacus nods obediently and smiles at you. "Thanks for saving my butt back there (Y/N)" he says gratefully as he pulls you into a tight embrace. You smile in response and flick his nose with your middle finger. "You're welcome, just make sure that it doesn't have to happen again" you reply sternly before kissing him on the cheek and leaving him to find the other two vampires who were most likely also led into a trap.

"I love you (Y/N)!"

"And I love you too, now be quiet and follow me"

"Of course my lady!"

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