Twilight (Mika x Reader)

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I checked my watch, the cool metal soothing my flushed body as I stood in the evening heat. The sun glared down upon me, igniting my figure in an orange haze. “he should have been home by now” I tutted pouting my cheeks as my arms folded together. I looked around, my (e/c) eyes lazily roaming around the road before me, locking eyes with that feline bitch Ferid.

His sharp toothed grin was enough to push me to retreat back into the safety of our shared apartment where I changed into my pyjamas. “Mika Hyakuya you should be giving me attention now” I grumbled to myself huffing as I wander towards the fridge pulling out a cold drink and snack before dragging my weary body to the couch where I slumped into the cushioned seat. A calm sigh resonated through the area as the television flickered before me, coercing me to press play.

I shovelled the food into my mouth, chewing slowly as the movie began, the cool eyes on the screen and hot bodies posing quite a few conflicting emotions through my body as I was drawn into the loopholes unfolding throughout the film.

It was halfway through the film when Mika came home, an irritated look on his face as he locked the door behind him. His review of recent battle with Krul had not been as pleasant as usual with the moon demon company being a pain for the nobles and Ferid being no use what-so-ever. Yet his anger diminished as he laid eyes upon his girlfriend curled up on the couch without him.

I was a child taken from the city of Kyoto when the vampires first invaded, it was at the underground city where I’d first met Mika, still young and with his family. I’d grown close to them all, including his brother Yuu and the eldest sister who treated me as part of their family. It broke me when I found out they were murdered.

I hadn’t looked away from the film, too absorbed in the storyline of lycanthropes and vampires but I heard him approaching, stumbling twice as he kicked off his thigh length boots before leaning over my shoulders, chin rested on my head as he stared at the screen, a look of distaste upon his lips and brow. “what the hell is this (Y/N)?”


“why is that guy sparkling?”

“because he’s a vampire” I retorted matter of factly. At that response Mika hopped over the couch (rather than walking around it like any normal person would) and blew his tousled hair out of his face as he sat beside me. “vampires don’t sparkle.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards him leaving me to look up at him wistfully. “well I think you would. It’d make you much more attractive on a battlefield” I mutter, a grin on my face as I swipe my hand up in the air leaving him to crinkle his nose in disgust, yet the disgust didn’t meet his eyes.

We remained in silence for a while after enjoying the film (even though Mika wouldn’t admit it no matter how much I teased him) yet his commentary was one to revel at.
“That girl, she’s useless, all she does is complain” … I glance up at him. “just like you then" I chirp with a cheeky grin.

“Why doesn’t he smile?” he questions, a similar scowl upon his own face. “well you don’t smile Mika, you brood just as much as he does.” A flick to the head was a good enough answer for me to quieten down again.

“Their battle tactics are too weak, and that werewolf would fare off better if he put on a damn shirt” he claimed, pressing his lips together in distaste as I swooned at the shirtless Jacob on the screen.

Yet no matter how much he complained throughout the films it was clear that he was interested, siding with team Edward after the first couple of movies and even investing in remembering plot points, gasping at vital points in the film and concluding that Bella just wasn’t good enough for either of the guys… and here I sat, eating and drinking to my heart’s content laughing at his cute little remarks.

At one point in the movie he stole the remote from the seat beside me and turned grasping my shoulders in both hands. “you wouldn’t leave me for a werewolf, would you?” he questioned, a look of sudden worry shooting through him. I had to smile, couldn’t help myself from smiling as I leaned forward and captured his lips in a sweet kiss. “I’d always choose you Mika.” It left a blush on both of our cheeks.

At the end on the movie series I was asleep, my head resting on his lean chest as quiet purring left my lips. However, Mika was as awake as ever, leaning forward towards the screen with eyes wide open at the ending of the final film. As the title came of signalling the ending, he glanced down at me, eyes softening at the sight of the human he’d fallen in love with. The pale vampire turned off the television, his icy blue eyes peering down the hall as he lifted my body into his arms heading for the bedroom we shared. His own eyed drooped as he yawned, his sharp canines glinting in the candle light.
He placed me down onto the bed, pulling the covers over my warm body before changing into his night attire and joining my sleeping body under the covers. I unconsciously nuzzled against the body accepting the kiss he pressed against my cheek. “I love you (Y/N)” he whispered, a soft breath of peace before he curled up beside me holding me tightly against his body, “I’ll never let you go, or suffer at the hands of any monster… even if I am one.”


It was fun writing this snippet!

If you'd like to know the reaction of the other ONS characters to Twilight then please comment on this one-shot and I'll get to it right away.

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