Partners (Asuramaru x DEMON Reader)

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You were a demon. A dead vampire trapped inside a weapon, yours was an excalibur sword with an intricate golden pommel and a long silver blade. Just like any other demon you longed after souls, to take over a humans body and possess them. So when Yuu (being the stubborn mule he is) wants to prove to his friends that he can control two of the Black Demon Series, you eagerly jumped at the opportunity.


You stood atop your blade, the human behind you sending chills up your spine as you sense the monster within. Your (H/L) (H/C) swayed in an unknown breeze and your stunning red eyes were closed as you looked up towards the sky. You smirked as you felt a deadly presence behind the unusual human. Another demon.

You grin as you hop off of the sword and grasp it in one hand, the two handed sword being a light as a feather in your grasp. Twirling to face the human you are met with head of purple hair and a smug grin. Asuramaru. You had heard of him before but had never met the demon, he was a rival worth fighting.

Gracefully walking up to the human you smile, a deadly calm surrounding your body as you stop before Yuichiro, the black haired boy showing no sign of fear or anxiety. 'I already like this human' you thought to yourself before turning to face Asuramaru and smiling warmly, your fangs showing ever so slightly as he stared off into the distance, a confused look on his face.

Asuramaru's P.O.V

She's beautiful, her delicate features, her (B/T) body and (S/C) skin. The stunning smile that she had. It perplexed me. I'm a vampire, not a filthy human with emotions... but this demon, her power is overwhelming, it's radiating from her body. Why is she making me feel like this? I feel flushed, fidgety, self-conscious. Her eyes, her lips, the delicate point of her ears, it's making me go crazy!

Damn this female, and I'm to work with her? How will I survive?! Shit she's staring at me! Smiling at me! I smile back awkwardly before focusing my attention upon Yuichiro. I felt something for this demon, (Y/N). She has such a beautiful name, it suits her perfectly. Why I feel these emotions is beyond me, surely I couldn't love? I was a vampire, now a demon, it can't be possible! Can it? She's capturing me in her gaze, gosh maybe it is? Could it be?

Shaking my head I sigh as I steal a glance at the female before me. I hardly know her, surely I couldn't love her. Yet... All of my heart, head, soul... I want her, want to embrace her, kiss her. I could love her, definitely. But what if she doesn't love me?

She attracts me to her like a bee to honey. I think... no, I know that I love her, her attitude, her personality, every part of her.

Your P.O.V

This demon was unusual, he refuses make eye contact with you, you could feel his eyes glancing at you as you stare down at Yuu, his strong, sturdy gaze causing you to smile at the male. "I like you Yuichiro. You and your demon" you state as you gesture to Asuramaru, his gaze now also fixed upon your face. He was good-looking you had to give him that, you could see the thoughts running through his mind and you smiled as you saw his flustered expression. 'How cute... especially for such a noble warrior' you thought before handing Yuu your sword and smiling.  "Just say my name when you want me, don't show weakness or I will not hesitate to destroy your mind and possess your body." You state calmly as you glance at the demon beside him. "And you Asuramaru, I hope that we can become close friends" you say with a wink directed at the demon before sending Yuichiro off, leaving Asuramaru alone with you, a sheepish smile upon his face.

"You know that you're extremely beautiful (Y/N)" he says smugly as he steps towards you. You chortle at his forward approach and bow playfully. "Why thank you, you look decent also." You say with a wink before holding out your hand towards the purple haired vampire. "We're going to be partners from here on out, so we might as well get to know each other" you murmur with a shrug before grinning at him happily.

"I think that we'll get along together perfectly" Asuramaru says as he kisses you on the cheek before fading away leaving you alone. You raise your hand to your (S/C) cheek and run your fingertips over where he kissed you. "What an unusual demon" you murmur to yourself before smiling and shaking your head in disbelief. "But Asuramaru and Yuichiro... I could get used to it with them both, I think I will enjoy it greatly."

"I definitely could get used to Asuramaru" you whisper before grinning and fading away to help Yuu.

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