Hopeful (Shinya x Reader)

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Shinya’s P.O.V. 

The meeting had been strenuous. Guren had refused to cooperate with Kureto’s demands which had led to the meeting over-running by and hour. He brushed a strand of hair out of his face as he sharply turned the corner. The courtyard was one of the only spaces filled with flowers and a grand cherry blossom tree which stood proudly in the centre. 

It usually had a few people roaming around, usually using it as a quick way to get to the canteen, but today the sound of music emanated from the area. His eyes rested upon a small group of individuals, all wearing the moon demon company gear. They smiled, laughing as they strummed guitars and violins. It was a cheerful melody with the steady drum beat coming from one of his colleagues who used a chair in replacement of a drum. 

If Guren was here it would have been quickly overlooked but as a Hiragi, Shinya kept to the borders of the courtyard knowing his presence could stop the song completely. His right blue eyes then focused on the figure dancing. She also wore the same gear as her companions, but the way she danced so joyfully in isolated bliss made his cheeks burn a hot red. 

He knew her as (Y/N) a comrade who he barely saw, but took every moment he could to admire her. She usually held a book and remained quiet, but to see her dancing so freely caused his heart to flutter. Her friend then joined in, forced by the tug of (Y/N). To see such an innocent moment was almost unbelievable after the apocalypse, but here she was, bringing light and joy to those around her. 

He thought he was hidden in the shadows, but when (Y/N)’s eyes met his own her body stilled. She bowed in respect and as her companions saw who lurked in the shadows they followed suit. “General Hiragi!” they shouted, but she remained quiet, her arms shaking ever-so-slightly. He forced himself forward out of the shadows. He smiled, gesturing at the instruments which had quickly been disregarded. 

“I’m sorry for the intrusion, I was just passing through.” It was a simple comment, but (Y/N)’s cheeks seemed to flush. The cogs in his mind started to turn, but they were too hopeful. Why would anyone love him. Mahiru certainly hadn’t so what hope would he have with anyone else. He coughed, forcing his gaze elsewhere as he drummed his fingers against his thigh. 

Her comrades seemed to suck in a deep breath before visibly relaxing. They stood straight, even (Y/N) who looked everywhere except at him. He felt his heart plummet into his stomach. So that was it? She had no interest in him. 

He made haste to politely excuse himself. 

(Y/N)’s P.O.V.

Upon seeing Shinya leave the courtyard you finally felt your heart calm down. It had been thundering in your chest since he first arrived and your best friend was quick to notice. “You should just talk to him.” You looked at them with a dead-pan expression. Your best friend ignored your look and continued on. “He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you (Y/N)!” You shuffle your feet as you began to wander back away from the courtyard. “Why would someone like him ever be interested in someone like me?” 

That was then end of the conversation as your squad made its way towards the canteen, the exact same way that Shinya had disappeared. 

You looked at the food that had been dumped on your plate and sighed. What you wouldn’t do to just eat a bar of chocolate or a lollipop. Your stomach rumbled at the thought. Most tables were full as your friends led the way to an empty table. However, on your way you saw Shinya sat with Guren and his squad. You must have looked for a moment too long as his eyes soon locked onto yours. He smiled, his mouth full of food as he smiled at you from where he sat. 

Your back stiffened as you smiled back at him before focusing on the ground. For him to have caught you looking at him filled you with shame.

What you didn’t know was that Guren had saw the look you had shared and was now mercilessly teasing him for it. 


It had been two weeks since you had last seen Shinya, but you suddenly got a message from Colonel Guren. That was never a good sign. Your palms began to sweat as you made your way to his office. Would he call you out on your battle strategies? Or the fact that you let your emotions get the best of you during your last mission? 

You knocked on his door and entered. But you found no one inside his office. You glanced at the clock and, just as he had ordered, you had arrived at 2pm. You knew he had an affinity for being late and so stood, silently, wallowing in self pity and fear. 

Shinya’s P.O.V. 

He wandered down the halls, a book in hand. He felt his eye twitch in annoyance. Just like always Guren had called him to his office last minute, most likely to ask for more help with paperwork which had undoubtedly had piled up on his desk. 

He pushed open the door without a knock. “Right then, What do you want?” He was right as he looked at the large pile of files which lay upon his desk stacked as high as a 6ft man. To pile them up like that was a talent in itself. But his attention was quickly drawn away by the surprised squeal. (Y/N) must have jumped out of her skin as she clutched her heart. “You scared me!” she cried out trying to calm her breathing. 

Shinya rushed over, tentative to place his hand on her shoulder. Hwe bowed profusely. “I’m sorry, I was expecting Guren to be here.” (Y/N) entwined her fingers. “I’m waiting for him too.” 

His eyes widened in realization. He remembered the conversation he had had with Guren only a few days ago when he had caught him staring at you. 


“You stalker.” Guren said loudly, startling Shinya. “Well we all need a hobby.” He replied sarcastically clasping his hands together with a gentleman’s smile. Guren tilted his head towards (Y/N).

“Why don’t you just ask her out? It’s obvious she feels the same way.” Whilst Guren had always been an idiot, his perception skills were on point. Could he get his hopes up once more? Mahiru had broken his heart, and to try and fill it again with such a goddess seemed like a cruel joke. He laughed it off, hiding his feelings as he replied to Guren. “No one would ever think of loving someone like me.” That earned him a job in the ribs from his best friend.

“Stop being so pessimistic!” Guren retorted with an angered expression. It was common to see that expression, but to see that emotion in his eyes was extremely rare.


Guren had set them up. Shinya felt his throat tighten as he held his free gloved hand out towards (Y/N), his book still tightly grasped in the other. “It seems as though we’ve been played like pawns.” Her brows creased in confusion, and what a delightful expression it was to witness. His heart suddenly seemed to quicken once more like a butterfly trapped in a bone cage. 

His mind went blank and, as he introduced himself he felt like curling into a hole and dying. But (Y/N) laughed, gasping his hand in a light but intimate handshake. She went along with the silliness of it, also introducing herself with blushing cheeks. To feel this way caught him off guard as (Y/N) looked at the book he was holding. 

“What are you reading?”she asked, her eyes brightened at the sight of the worn pages. He waved it in a dismissive manner. “It’s a romance novel.” She smiled, and his own words seemed to suddenly glow like the sun. “I love a good romance.” she answered, her gaze was pure as she looked at him before averting her eyes towards the floor. 

He felt a sudden surge of bravely as he held her chin and tilted it up to look at him and with the most serious expression he could muster, although he must have looked starstruck, he said a line that (Y/N) would taunt him with for the rest of his life. 

“Why don’t we start our own romance?” 

He felt himself cringe at the words that left his mouth but (Y/N) only grinned as she stepped closer to him. Her soft lips pressed against his cheek before she retreated to look clearly into his eyes.

The reply that she gave was enough to make the word soulmate ring in his ears. 

“You had me at the preface.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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