Dreams (Asuramaru x Reader) Part 2

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You bit your lip in anticipation as the sun began to set on the horizon. The cherry gold, rose and peach filled sky shone over the deserted buildings, the rays of light warming you to the bones. Gritting your teeth, you went back to sparring with your oponent... Guren Ichinose... the annoying, lazy, sarcastic git who was forcing you to train with him for even longer than usual.

You cried out in agitation as the dark-haired man jabbed you in the ribs with the pommel of his sword causing you to stagger to the side. "Well that's gonna leave a bruise" you murmur to yourself as you balance yourself once more readying yourself to defend from the oncoming attacks until you had come up with a plan.

Guren had managed to corner you leaving you in a pretty bad situation... but you weren't going to give up that easily. You grinned as you felt your demon take over part of your body giving you more power to defeat the strong man in front of you.

But the power you were used to controlling wasn't normal... it wasn't tame like your demon... it felt, different, feisty and free. You rolled your eyes in irritation as you heard Asuramaru's voice inside your mind, like an echo. "I'm here now dear, we can defeat this egotistical human together." You smiled upon hearing his words, a power surging through your body as you swiped your blade at Guren, the power from the blow sending him staggering back a few steps as he tried to parry.

You relax slightly as you ran towards him, Asuramaru taking hold of your body and mind as your demon took a back seat enjoying the fight. You moved swiftly as you fought against Guren. Your attacks were agile and fast as you kept on attacking him blow after blow. The Lieutenant Colonel grunted as you threw him to the floor and pinned him down with a foot to the chest and a blade to the throat. "I win" you growl as you step back and smile down at him grinning from ear to ear as you feel Asuramaru smirk and laugh in response. "Well done (Y/N), I'll see you later on tonight" he whispers to you before disappearing from your body leaving you alone with your demon and an angry man.


The night sky twinkled like a thousand jewels, the full moon illuminating the walkways as you walked back towards your apartment. The sparring had left you bruised, hurt and tired, but, despite all this, you couldn't wait to meet your beloved, Asuramaru in your dreams tonight.

You trudged into your apartment and slammed the door shut behind you. Wincing as you crawled into bed, you sighed and closed your eyes before pulling the covers over your sore, bruised, aching body. You took deep breaths as your body began to relax, the warmth of the sheets lulling you into a deep sleep.


You stepped towards the white light. The dull thud of your heartbeat becomes louder as you walk towards Asuramaru and your demon. Yet something wasn't right.  They both looked towards your alert form as you stroll over to the two demons, their bodies surprisingly relaxed in the tense atmosphere.

You stop beside Asuramaru and kiss him lightly on the cheek before turning to face your demon with a grin. Your boyfriend's smile only grew as he wrapped his arm around your waist affectionately. Your smile fades as you look between the two demons and your curiosity grows. "What we're you two talking about?" You ask quietly as you fix your gaze upon Asuramaru.

"Well (Y/N), we were talking about you..." he starts off, his fangs glinting in the bright light. "I will be your demon from now on and my 'master' shall get yours so that we can be together all the time." Your boyfriend states causing your eyes to widen and your heart to skip a beat. "Are you serious? Is that even allowed?" You ask in delight.

"I will do anything to be closer to you darling." He starts, your demon already fading away but not before smiling and waving at you. "Plus... I think that we work well together" he says with a wink as he pulls you into a tight embrace, the demons long hair tickling your nose slightly as you nuzzle closely into his neck.

"I have to agree with you on that" you murmur softly to Asuramaru before pulling away and gazing into his blood-red eyes. "But you had better not try and possess me!" You say in a serious tone of voice whilst waggling your finger . This caused the demon to laugh before he pulled you closer, body to body. "I would never dream of it my sweet (Y/N)." he whispers before leaning in, his soft lips interlocking with your own in a heated kiss as he places one hand on the small of your back and the other on your cheek. His cool fingers caressing your flushed cheeks as you fight for dominance. He soon won and smirked as he pulled you closer towards him leaving no space between your bodies. You moan softly as he trails kisses down your neck, his fangs lightly grazing your supple skin as his hands roam across your body freely, your own hands travelling across his body too as the passionate kiss is broken and a shy smile is met with a seductive smirk.

"I love you (Y/N) but now you must go" he states as he places his hands on your hips and leans in to kiss you once more. His cold lips connecting with your burning ones before parting again. "I love you too Asuramaru" you whisper before stepping away from the demon before you, his gown and hair gently swaying in an unknown breeze. The further you went the quieter it became as you parted ways for the time being.


You wake up slowly, your body still aching from yesterday's onslaught between yourself and Guren. "I hope he feels worse then me" you prayed as you got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom ready to start the day with a shower. This day was already perfect and you knew it.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing and now you and Asuramaru could never be separated. He was part of you and your weapon, and he was irreplaceable.

"I love you (Y/N)"

"And I love you too Asuramaru"

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