Kindness (Mika X Reader)

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Standing alone, you're tattered clothes blew in the wind as you looked out over the city which was once your home.

You remembered the night when everything changed. When your family died and you were isolated from the world, wandering the streets, evading vampires and living off what you could find.

It had been several years since the tragic event occurred, you had grown and become more aware of how corrupt the earth now was. You had been only one of the few that survived the attack over the age of 12, you were immune to the virus, yet you sometimes wondered whether it was more of a curse than a blessing.

The scattering of rocks behind you startled you, causing you to turn and raise the metal pipe in your hand, ready to attack, only to find out that it was your dog (D/N). A smile graced your lips and the small creature bound towards you, their bright eyes and wagging tail brightening your mood instantly.

"Hey there buddy" you murmur as you crouch down, hugging your companion, it's tongue licking your face in delight. You had found (D/N) when you were scouring a nearby store for supplies only to find them wandering aimlessly, frail and alone yet extremely friendly. You both needed companionship and quickly became inseparable.

After the long greeting, you stood up, leaning on the pipe for support as you looked around, a wisp of hair tickling your cheek. "Come on, we need to find a place to stay for the night" you chirp happily to the dog, chatting to them as you stroll down the deserted road. (D/N) had become family to you, speaking to them was a regular occurrence and only strengthened your bond more.

As you glanced around at the rugged buildings you soon came to hear a grunt from a back alley. Holding your stance you kick a loose pebble down the passage only to hear a cry of pain in response. At this sound (D/N) went down the dark alley to investigate, leaving you to follow then, your metal pipe ready to whack any b**** that came near you.

One stray beam of sunlight illuminated the cause of the sound, your dog already attacking them with kisses as it's tail sagged vigorously at the appearance of another person. As you stalked closer, you noticed a large pool of blood surrounding the person, their white uniform stained wind red.

You staggered forward, investigating the wounded soldier you called you dog back to your side, their paws now soaked in the man's blood, yet they sat next to you, their doting eye set upon their beloved owner (you).

You smiled down at (D/N) before gazing at the body, their striking blue eyes and blonde hair tainted with the slightest sign of blood triggering a quick intake of breath before bending down to view the large stab wounds in his torso. His eyes now glaring at you, his weak arms scrambling for grip to crawl away from you, yet it was all in vain, causing him to become exhausted and quickly lie back down again.

"You should be dead mister." You state blankly as you look at the wounds, touching one gently, yet soon catch a glimpse of the fangs as he cries out in pain at the feeling of your fingertips.

You realise now why he was still alive.

He was a vampire.

One of the creatures that had torn your life apart, leaving you now to live forever in fear, of worry and sadness. You shouldn't feel pity for this monster. But his eyes were still human. Blue and not the devilish red of so many more vampires who craved the blood of innocents.

The vampire looked away from you, "leave! Leave you filthy human!" He cries out, gasping for air and he rolls onto his side in agony. Puffing out your cheeks you glance sideways. "You know, you're pretty rude for a guy who's practically dead." your dog barking in agreement as you kneel beside the man.

A grunt in reply was all you got. You looked up at the sky, seeing the sky turn a beautiful haze of pinks and purples, gracing the heavens with vivid colours. Tapping your fingers on your legs you thought quietly as you examined the guy on the ground. "I'm (Y/N) by the way, it's nice to meet you. What's your name?" You question politely.

"Mika." You tutted quietly and clicked your tongue. "I guess I should help" you sigh before grabbing a ragged rock a couple of metres away and creating a small gash in your arm. "You need to drink sir, do it now."

You glare at the man as he shakes his head, "n-no! I can't! Get away from me!" He screams, blood leaking from the corner of his mouth. Groaning you huff and force your wrist to his lips, his body trembling as the urge to drink blood became too much for him. The male's eye became red, like a rose in summertime. The feeling of blood loss caused you you sit down, resting your head on your chest, your breathing becoming more laboured.

The vampire's wounds began to heal, leaving him with a healthy body and bloody clothes. He sat up after the healing had completed and stared at you with shock as he wiped his mouth of the blood. "You helped me. But why? I'm just a filthy vampire" he mutters as he grips the ground in hate.

Opening your eyes you smile at the male before pulling out a med kit from your satchel and using it to bandage your cut. "I helped you because I could. Because I wanted to."

His eyes widen as he sits up straight, his eyes fixated upon you at your dog rests their head in your lap. You look up from the bandage and roll your eyes before continuing your sentence.

"I helped you. Maybe I shouldn't have, maybe you'll just kill me now. But even if the world has gone to shit, it would be even worse if no one had kindess left in their hearts. Yes, I know both mankind and vampires are horrible and corrupt, but if nobody showed love or an act of kindness then it would be a living hell, not just for me, but for everyone in the world."

You smile at (D/N) as you pet them softly. A smile also forming upon the man's face. "You're different. And I shall remember you. Just remember that it's people like you, who help even in the smallest ways, even if it's just opening a door for someone, who make the world endurable for so many lives. Thank you." The man stands and helps you stand, the metal pipe now a crutch as you recover.

"Maybe we will meet again (Y/N). I hope that we do, and please never stop caring for others." He whispers in your eyes as he embraces you and turns away. "Now if I were you I'd leave this area and move north, soon this area will be under the surveillance of vampires and they will not hesitate to kill you. Goodbye (Y/N)." He states as he strokes your cheek tenderly before smiling once more and climbing the building, leaving you to only stare at where he once was.

"I'll never forget you either Mika" you murmur. "Now (D/N)! Let's get moving! We don't wanna be stuck out in the dark now do we? Plus it's dinner time! We can't go hungry now can we?" You chatter as you walk with new found courage and vigour, (D/N) right beside you as you travel north, the sky guiding you on your path.

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