Soulmates (Crowley x Reader)

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The crossroad was littered with rusted cars and empty shop fronts selling nothing but broken glass and unwanted goods. Behind you stood four new recruits, each wielding a Black Demon weapon whilst dressed in the Moon Demon company attire. They were a cheerful bunch, each branded with their own dark pasts, but as a unit they spoke with an air of jokes and joy. Being entrusted as their leader hung heavy on your shoulders as Natara stepped to your side. Her blonde hair remained held in a tight bun, high atop her head as she turned to face you, her quiver poised for an attack, a well learned feature. 

“(Y/N), are we lost?” she asked in a hushed tone out of earshot from the remaining recruits who joked about last night's meal. Turning you smile at Natara, her eyes were bright, full of curiosity and intent as she surveyed the rooftops. “No, we should be at our destination by nightfall if we keep heading west.” 

The aim of your party was to join with several others in order to raid an underground railway station where several hundred people were being kept as livestock. A rudimentary mission for your newly strung group. Continuing to walk forward, eyes scanning the streets for any horsemen or vampires, your group wandered on. 


The sun had began to hide behind the skyscrapers painting the city in a dusky blue. You were only an hour or so away from your destination and the clear pathway you had been given had seemed too good to be true. Joining in on the cheery, but hushed conversations you forgot to remain vigilant, stumbling into an open area. A cark park to be exact. 

Scattered around the car park several cloaked vampires stood, chattering to one another, drinking blood from an unfortunate soul or just sitting idly. However, as you tried to retrate Natara tripped over a loose cable, losing her footing before crashing to the ground. There was no escape. Outrunning one vampire could have been possible, but there were dozens here.

Red eyes, burning in the eerie light stared straight as your group. Natara cringed, crawling to her feet before siming her weapon at a nearby vampire who had taken to licking his lips. The others followed suit, forming a defensive position. Atop an upturned lorry a white haired vampire sat joined by a ginger female, her long hair fluttered in the wind like living rust, their black boots dangling over the edge of the vehicle. His smile was serpentine as he dropped to the ground, wandering over to the trapped prey in an eloping gait. “Well, well.” His voice was a content purr as he stopped in front of you, his sharpened canines chill you to the bone. “What do we have here? Five little lost lambs.” 

He gazed at the weapon you held in a tight grasp and chuckled, his smile twisting into an unnatural snarl. “How delightful!” His attention turned to a nearby store cast in shadows. “Don’t you think dear Crowley.” From behind the darkness three figures appeared. One, a blonde haired women holding a whip, strutted beside a large, muscular vampire absorbed in a handful of documents. To his left, a smaller vampire walked at a fast pace, barely keeping up with the long strides of the male. 

They weren't in a hurry as they came to join Ferid. It was only up close when you saw the beautiful grim reapers in front of you. The male towered above the cat like vampire, a small smile playing on his lips as he rested a hand on his hips. “I was getting quite hungry Ferid.” The vampire called Crowley stated, his eyes still transfixed on the papers in front of him, followed by the eager nods of the two women behind him. Up close the all wore the clothes of the nobles, but the sword that rested at Crowley's side instilled fear in your heart. And although you could never admit it, the clothes Crowley wore suited him down to a T.

The woman who had remained sat on the lorry finally joined the party, her red eyes matching her hair as she entwined her hands around Ferid’s waist in a possessive grip. She smiled up at him with a look of love and devotion. The light in her eyes was enough for you to know that they were soulmates. A rare find that joined two people together in an unbreakable bond. That they were both vampires was a blessing as a vampire and human bond was simply taboo. She whispered in his ears, licking her lips with a pointed tongue.  

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