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Chapter 2
<??? Pov>
I watched her hurry away, biting my lower lip. I turned to my fren Kai.

"Who was that girl?" He turned to look at her and smirked.

"The hot one? That's Chae-young's fren, (y/n)" he told me. I watched as she greeted Chae-young. There was something about her...

<(y/n)'s pov>
I gestured to the guy I walked into, he was talking with his fren.

"Who's that guy?" I say and she peers over my shoulder.

"Oh him. You stay away from him (y/n), he's a sick prick. He's basically the bully of the school but every girl has their eyes set on him. He's apparently gorgeous" she said solemnly.

I take in his appearance. He has messy dark hair and dark eyes. He had a straight jaw line and I could see his muscles under his dark shirt "well they aren't wrong" I mutter before saying to my fren "what's his name?"

"Park Chanyeol"

*le time skip
The next day was Sunday so thankfully I didn't have school. Chae-young groaned.

"My head is killing me" I smirked.

"That's your fault for getting drunk" I say placing a glass of water and two paracetamol on her bedside table.

"Thanks" she took both pills at once then downed the water.

"I don't know about you but I'm going to the park" I say pulling on a light jacket.

"Byeeeee" Chae-young groaned. Once at the park i sat on the bench and stared at the lake. The autumn leaves fell slowly to the floor around me in a whirlwind of red and brown.

(Clicking of a camera unknown to (y/n))

I stay there until my fingers go numb before I begin to head back. As I head down the school Hall I bump into someone. I look up to see one of Chanyeol's mates.

"Oh I'm sorry" he apologises "I'm Xiumin". I smiled,  he was much more polite than Chanyeol.

"Umm, (y/n)" I say nervously and he smiles.

"Nice to meet you" his watch beeps and he says "I have to go but see you around.. (y/n)." He jogs off and I continue to walk to my dorm unaware that I was being watched.

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