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A/n: I am so sorry for the slow updates guys. If I'm honest it's because I keep forgetting that I need to write this as it's on another account. If I'm too slow just message me saying so! My personal account is @tatesboo and updates are a lot quicker on there since I use it all the time, just in case anyone was interested lol - thanks boo xx

I pushed the heavy wooden door open, using all my strength. I swear this used to be so much lighter. I closed the door behind me before turning to face the cluster of people in the bar. There was silence. Then the bartender, a woman in her early forties with an array of facial piercings and curly hair grinned.

"(Y/n)'s back guys" she announced despite everyone looking at me anyways. At her approval most of the people broke out in grins, yelling their greetings at me. I flashed my old, mischievous grin. One I hadn't used in years. I made my way to the back of the building, spotting Tao sat on the same bar stool he used to sit at. I made my way over to him, sitting down in my seat. It was still the same stool that had stood here all those years ago, the only difference was the faded colour.

"(Y/n)" Tao greeted, a smirk on his face.

"Tao" I gave him a curt nod, placing my hands on the wooden bar. The bartender pushed a glass of whiskey towards me, a warm smile on her face.

"It's on the house, a welcome back gift." I gave her a warm smile as she headed to serve someone down the other end of the bar. I take a gulp from my glass, I could feel Tao's eyes on my face.

"What do you want Tao?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I wanted to hang out, is that so hard to believe?" He said and I raise my eyebrow.

"Why here of all places?" I question, looking quizzically at my ex boyfriend, whom I haven't seen in about a year and a half. Why had he decided to show up now? Why did he want to bring me back here? Back to our past.

"Look around (Y/N). Don't you recognise the faces around you? The faces of your friends? Your family?" He replied, encouraging me to gaze at the people around us. That was the point of the rusty anchor. It was a safe haven. A place for the lost, for the alone. I didn't belong here anymore. But Tao seemed to be stuck in the past.

"I'm sorry Tao. But they aren't my family anymore. I've moved on and I get that you still belong here but I don't" I mumbled but he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Don't you remember all the fun we had? The nights where we could just escape and be ourselves? We miss you here, (y/n). We need you back." He pleaded.

"Just give us tonight? One night to try and convince you to come back?" He was begging. Although they never showed it I could tell everyone was listening to us. Guilt pooled in my stomach as I remembered the night I left. The begging look on Tao's face that perfectly mirrored his expression now. I closed my eyes, letting out a sigh.

"Fine. But one night okay? Let me just text Jimin" I answer finally and a blinding smile lit up Tao's face. I pull my phone out shooting Jimin a text so he wouldn't call Chanyeol. As I slip it back into my pocket Tao hugs me. I freeze shocked before he pulls away.

"That reminds me, I have something of yours" I frown confused but it soon turns to a grin as he shoved something into my hands.

"No way" I gasp. It was my old leather jacket. It still smelled the same, of old leather, whiskey and cologne. Tao grinned nodding at me.

"I wanted everything to be exactly the same when you came back. Even the jacket." It was my turn to wrap my arms around him then, engulfing him in a hug.

"Thank you so much" I whisper before pulling away and sliding on the jacket. It still fit perfectly.

"No worries" Tao grinned, "now let's have some fun."

Suddenly I was nearly knocked over by the force of another human barrelling into me. The man wrapped his muscly arms around me, causing me to choke on his shirt.

"I missed you!" A familiar voice squealed, hugging me even tighter.

"K-kyungsoo?" I choke out causing him to squeal even more.

"You remember me!" He cried out making you giggle.

"Of course I do goofball" I ruffled his hair as he pulled away.

"I'm so glad you're back" he grinned, "it was boring without you."

"I'll bet it was" I gave him my classic cheeky grin I always used to give him. God I had missed this boy. Suddenly everyone was crowding around dying to say hello. After about an hour Tao pulled me away, shooting me a wink.

"Come on (y/n). This is where the fun begins."

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