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Chapter 3

*the next day
<(Y/N)'s pov>
I was up early so I could get to class in time but I was of course late once again. So naturally I ran slap bang into someone.

"(Y/n), we have to stop meeting like this" Chanyeol smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and tried to pass him but he reached out and grabbed my arm.

"Where do think you're going?" He said and I sighed.

"Leave me alone Chanyeol, isn't there some other girl you can bother?" I say, irritated.

"No, I have been moved to your class because I am smart" he winked and I rolled my eyes as he continued "so I need you to take me as I don't know it's location". I shook my head and walked off with Chanyeol following.

"Sooo" he said.

"No" I replied "don't talk to me".

"Awww come on (y/n), I'm not that bad" he said and I nod;

"Yes. You are"

"You don't even know me" he says and I sighed again.

"I know that your a big bully and to be honest I think that's enough" I say and head into the classroom leaving him behind. As soon as I sit down the teacher walks in.

"Hello class, we have a new student joining us from another class today, would you like to introduce yourself?" He said and Chanyeol walked in and said;

"Hey, I'm chanyeol" before the teacher pointed him to the desk... right next to me. I sighed and realised that I'd just have to deal with it for now. I ignore him for the entire lesson until the bell went signalling the end of class. Everyone left and Chae-young waited for me. I followed her to the canteen but on the way we came across Chanyeol and two of his frens, Kai and Sehun.  As we watched Chanyeol pushed a boy to the floor and yelled at him.

"Hey!" I yelled and Chanyeol turned around "stop it". Chanyeol looked at me before turning to the boy.

"You got lucky this time" he sneered at him before leaving, his frens following. I held out my hand to help up the boy, I recognised him from my class but I couldn't remember his name.

"I'm  (y/n)" I say and he smiles.

"I'm Lay, thanks for helping me" he says and i shake my head.

"No problem, you can hang round with us if you want, Chanyeol won't bother you then" I say and his eyes light up.

"Really?!" He grins and I  nod. We head off to the canteen unaware of the growing anger of a certain person.

Monster // Chanyeol x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now