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I was dressed casually for my night out with the boys in ripped black jeans and a my chemical romance T-shirt. Lay had been hesitatant to let me go but I managed to persuade him. Xiumin knocked on the door.

"Hey (y/n), you look great!" He greets me and we head off in his car. When we get there Xiumin takes my hand and pulls me into the house.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"This is our house, we live here most of the time but we spend most school nights in the dorms" he explains pulling me into the kitchen. "Hey guys this is (y/n)!!" He yells and I blushed.

"Awww she's cute" one of them smirked at me. Chanyeol glared at the boy.

"Cut it out Suho" he snapped but Suho just laughed as Xiumin introduced everyone.

"What are we gonna do cuz I'm bored" groaned Chen. Xiumin frowned.

"Well were all 18 or over.. so we could go to the pub then come back and watch something." He suggested and everyone agreed.

*at le pub.
I was sat on a stool in between Xiumin and
Baekhyun. The boys were laughing about random things and I just sat there and laughed at Baekhyun's cheesy jokes. At around half ten at night the boys went to pee before we left and I was alone on a bar stool. A boy a bit older than me sat next to me.

"Hey, I'm  cheng" he said. I opened my mouth to reply but he said "your  (y/n), i ì
know." I frown.

"How do you know my name?"

Suddenly he grabbed hold of my wrist, he smirked as I grimaced in pain.

"Dear (y/n).." he reached forwards to touch my face but I used my free hand to hit his hand away. He grabbed that arm and pulled me closer to him. "I've wanted to meet you for a while now.." he whispered. Suddenly he was ripped off me and thrown to the floor.

"Stay away from her" Chanyeol spat at the boy on the floor. He pulled a piece of paper from Cheng's pocket and unfolded it. I looked at it over his shoulder.

"But.. that's.. that's me" I whisper shocked, looking at the picture in Chanyeol's hand. Chanyeol glared at the boy on the floor.

"Where did you get this?" He growled but cheng just laughed. "Where did you get this?!" Chanyeol repeated, grabbing Cheng's shirt. When he didn't reply Chanyeol drew back his fist for a punch but Xiumin and Kai caught his hands.

"Whoah what's happening here?" Suho asked. Chanyeol shook out of the boys' grasps and glared at cheng.

"Just stay out of my life and from (y/n)" he said before leaving and we all followed him. We arrived back at the house and all settled into a pile of blankets on the floor. The younger boys were watching a movie but they all fell asleep. At around 2 in the morning Chanyeol and I were the only ones awake.

"I hated you.. you know" he whispered "to me you were just one of those girls who was good and got high grades.." I looked at him. "Then I met you. The way you resisted me, it was.. thrilling almost.. a challenge.
I can tell you've already fallen for me because I can see the curiosity in your eyes." I felt his hand on mine and shivered. "I will knock on your door so will you let me in?" I flinched as he leaned in close "I want you.."

Monster // Chanyeol x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now