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Chanyeol reached forwards and cupped my face with his hand. It was soft against my skin but ice cold.

"C-chanyeol" I whisper and his eyes flickered from my lips to my eyes and back again. His grip on my waist tightened as he pulled me closer so I was right against his chest. His perfect face inched towards mine.

*end of dream*

I woke up in mine and Xiumin's room sweating and panting. It took me a minute or so to calm down and check the time. I was only awake five minutes earlier than normal. So I started my daily routine. I looked into the mirror and saw bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep. I brushed it off and went to wake up Xiumin.

"Xiu? Xiumin wake up" I say gently, giving his shoulder a small shake. He groaned before opening his eyes. Once he was up and getting ready I left the room. I headed to the library before school started, I needed to return a book anyways. I returned the book and had started to look for another when I was shoved up against the bookshelf. A hand covered my mouth, preventing me from screaming. The library was deserted,  I was alone.

"How could you (y/n)? Just take this as pay back" Lay growled in my ear. He pinned my struggling body to the floor and I saw that Chae-young was with him. My best friend had turned against me. Just that was enough to make tears prick my eyes.

Lay's fingertips dig into my shoulders and I gasped as he took his hand from my mouth.
He pinned my wrists roughly above my head with one hand as the other dug deep marks into my skin from his nails. He pulled me forwards before shoving me back roughly.

I fell to the ground as Lays hold on me loosened.

My vision was blurry from tears as I saw a dark figure throw a punch at Lays face. A fight broke out and I could her muffled yells as fists connected with faces. Finally I felt myself being picked up and carried away smoothly.

"Oh, (y/n) what the hell did he do to you..? I'm so sorry" a males voice whispered. I sobbed into the boys chest. His voice was as familiar as his touch and I realised it was Chanyeol. Why would he want to come anywhere near me after I had ignored him? But I didn't care right now, I felt safe in his arms. He conversed with his friend, I couldn't hear them. 

"(Y/n)!!" I heard Xiumin yell as he ran up the corridor behind us.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HER?!" He demanded and I tuned out of the conversation as Chanyeol explained. My body ached. When we reached Chanyeol's dorm he shared with Kai he sat me on the bed .

He ran his fingers softly over my skin. He did this in silence every so often looking at my face. The tears still ran and he wiped them away with his thumb. Once he finished he stood up and hugged me tightly.

"(Y/n) I am so sorry. I will make Lay pay I swear to god" he whispered into my hair and I shook my head, still crying.

"Y-you've d-done e-enough" I stuttered and he sighed.

"I don't care (y/n) and I know you won't believe me but I do this because I love you (y/n) and I was scared to say so but I do and I want to protect you so bad and if anything or anyone hurt you I could never forgive myself. I love you"

And I loved him.

Monster // Chanyeol x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now