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(a/n: look at this double update🤠 - other admin lol)

My arm was nearly being wrenched out of my socket as Tao pulled me along the dark streets of Seoul. We were running. I couldn't remember the last time I had run like this. It was probably when I was still with Tao. When us running around in the dead of night was a regular occurrence. The wind whipped past my face, stinging my cheeks but not once did my grin falter. I was having the time of my life as a group of us sped off, Tao in the lead, me and Kyungsoo - his seconds in command- right behind him. That's how it used to be.

But now I ran through the streets, adrenaline pumping through my veins, my ex boyfriend and ex best friend beside me. I felt the all too familiar burn of my leg muscles as I willed myself to go further. My lungs started to sting as I gasped for air. Heck I was unfit. Finally we skidded to a halt, allowing me to bend over, hands on my knees and gasp for air. I look up to see Tao and Kyungsoo laughing at me.

"Hey!" I yell at them but they keep on laughing.

"Ay! (Y/n), when was the last time you went out on a run slow coach!" Kyungsoo giggles and I shot him a glare.

"Hey back off before I smack you" I threaten, a playful undertone lining my voice. The dark haired boy just laughs as I finally catch my breath. We stood at the foot of one of the many abandoned skyscrapers that lined Seoul. It was around 6am and we had been wreaking havoc all night, drinking- something I hadn't probably done in a long time- and messing about. Just like we used to. I had to admit, it was even more fun than I remembered. Tao looked at me, a sly grin lining his face.

"You ready to go?" He asked. I looked up at the building, gulping nervously. I hadn't done this in so long. But I nodded anyways.

"On your marks" I inhaled sharply.

"Get set" I exhaled deeply, preparing my lungs for the burn they would soon be feeling.

"Go!" I shot off, dodging the debris that was scattered everywhere as I charged through the nearest entrance. I looked around frantically before spotting the stair well to my right. I skidded slightly as I headed for them, Tao right behind me. I let out a loud laugh as I ran. My feet landed heavily on each step as I raced forwards. As I reached the top of the steps I saw a gap in the floor at the end of the hall. There was no where else to run, no other way to get up. I darted forwards, praying to God that I wouldn't slip on the marble.

With a newfound energy I launched myself forwards, over the crater in the floor, to the other side of the hall. I didn't stop there. I felt Kyungsoo's fingers graze my leather jacket in an attempt to overtake me but I pushed him lightly away, desperate to stay in the lead.

I sped on still, trying to even out my breathing as I ran. I scaled the walls and leaped over rubble, whatever it took to reached the top. Free climbing was actually one of my favourite things we used to do. Especially when we raced. So naturally I was first to the top. I punched the air triumphantly as Tao and Kyungsoo raced up the last few steps behind me. Slowly each member of our group appeared on the roof.

"At least I know you've still got a knack for this, eh (y/n)?" Kyungsoo laughed but I could only grin in response, my chest heaving as I struggled to once again catch my breath.

"I packed a surprise" Tao winked, pulling a hip flask full of what I assumed to be whiskey from inside his jacket. That was the only thing about the group that was the same. The rusty anchors signature black leather jacket with a white anchor embroidered on the front chest pocket.

We all grinned back, sitting on the edge of the building, our feet dangling over the edge-so close to certain doom. I took a swig from Tao's flask as both he and Kyungsoo wrapped their arms around me.

"We're glad your here (y/n)" Kyungsoo whispered making my heart melt. What I had said to Tao earlier was wrong. These people still were my family. They had been for a long time and time away hadn't changed that one bit. I still loved every person on this rooftop like they were my brothers and sisters. Because they were. This really was my family. The people who had always been there for me. And suddenly I forgot why I left in the first place.

We all sat there, watching the sunrise, sharing the flask between us, mucking about. Like the family we were.

The my phone rang. Reminding me of the one person I had forgotten in my escape.



"Where the hell were you (y/n)?" Chanyeol yelled.

I was back at Jimins where my boyfriend had been for the past hour, freaking out over my whereabouts.

"I was out" I defended myself.

"Out where? Jimin said" he choked "Jimin said you were with Tao."

"Yeah I was! So what?" I snapped, my patience wearing thin. I was too tired to fight with Chanyeol. But I knew this was my fault.

"So don't you think I would at least like to know where you are? I was worried sick!" He snapped back. I could see Jimin in the corner of my eye, not knowing whether he should chime in or not.

"Well I'm sorry I don't tell you where I am every damn second of every damn day" I glared at him. I knew I was in the wrong. I knew I should have told him where I was. I just couldn't seem to say that to him.

"You know that's not what I meant" he retorted and I sighed.

"Look Chanyeol I'm sorry I just had to sort somethings out." I looked up at his handsome face, my eyes searching for his forgiveness.

"Yeah? What, like run off and join a gang?" He snorted and my eyes widened in shock. I could see Jimin shift uncomfortably in his seat.

"How do you kno-" I start but Chanyeol stops me.

"How stupid do you think I am? I know what that anchor on your jacket means."

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