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"Tao. .? What are you doing here?" I stutter and he grins at me, cocking his head to the side.

"(Y/n)? I didn't know you came here.. I've just transferred" he looked me up and down and smirked.

"You've been keeping yourself well I see..." he winked and a light pink dusted my cheeks.

He looked the same as when I last saw him. Tall and good looking with sandy blonde hair that fell in his eyes and a sexy smirk that made me fall in love with him despite his arrogant, over confident attitude. He was very similar to Chanyeol so it was no surprise I had fallen for the two of them - they were so a like. His eyes still had a spark in them and he stood with confidence making me feel smaller.

"Well-" I start but I was interrupted.

"(Y/n)? Who's this?" Chanyeol asked slowly, walking up to stand next to me. The look on his face was unreadable and he kept his eyes on the smirking blonde in front of us.

"Oh.. C-chanyeol, this is Tao.. he's an old friend" I murmur but Tao give a chuckle.

"We're more than friends, we used to date" he smiled widely as he held out a hand for Chanyeol to shake.

Chanyeol took his hand gingerly, giving it a slight shake before dropping it abruptly.

"Tao, this is Chanyeol-" I begin to introduce him but I am once again interrupted.

"I'm (y/n)'s boyfriend" he states coldly.

Tao gave a small nod.

"Nice dude, she's great isn't she? Anyways I better get on, we should catch up one time"

"Sure" I give a small smile and he walks off.

Chanyeol stood fixated, scowling at Tao's retreating back.

"Uhh Chanyeol? I um I thought you were going out with the guys?" I ask uncertainly, I could tell he wasn't exactly the happiest person right now.

"I was but you uh left your phone.." he replied blankly, holding it out to me. I take it cautiously and give him a concerned look.

"You okay?" I ask him, giving his forearm a reassuring squeeze. He nods.

"Yeah I'm good. You should get going or you'll be late to meet Jimin." He motions with his head. I nod and turn to leave but he pulls me back, hugging me tightly and giving me a kiss on the forehead. As he let go of me he gave a small a smile.

"See you later"

"Yeah, I'll see you later" I smile back before hurrying off.

Time skip~
I waved my feet in the air as I laid on my stomach in the middle of Jimin and Yoongi's room. Jimin was sprawled across the floor next to me with about a million wedding magazines spread in front of us.

"Ohhhh look at this cake" I say happily, pointing at the picture. Jimin giggled and I glared at him.

"What is it with you and cake??"

"Dude cake is life" I say defensively and he laughs harder. I laugh with him until we are both gapsing for breath.

"What's so funny?" Namjoon asked, poking his head through the door.

"Nothing" Jimin spluttered out through his fit of giggles. Namjoon rolled his eyes, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. He came and layed on the other side of me, gazing down at my collection of magazines.

"Oooo look at that cake" he smiles pointing at the picture I had previously been looking at. Jimin and I suddenly burst into laughter causing a confused look to spread across Namjoons face.

"What? All I said was to look at the cake! " Namjoon exclaimed, confused. I shake my head, still unable to talk through my giggles. Jimin grinned at me happily.

"I love ya (y/n), you really are my best friend.. I'm so happy you're here" he mumbles shyly. I pull him closer to me with one arm, hugging him into my neck.

"Awwwh I loves chu too Chimchim" I say kissing his head. Namjoon smirks happily at us.

"Well ain't yous cute" he says in THAT tone lol.

"Yeah, we are" I poke my tongue out at him.

"Deal with it Joonie"

He just laughs before flopping down on the bed. Me and Jimin resume our flipping of the magazines. Jimin snorts with laughter as I suggest he goes to his wedding in drag. Joonie joins in too, pointing out how pretty Jimin looks in a dress.

"Hey (y/n), you have a call from an unknown number.." Namjoon says passing me my phone. I frown. Who could that be? I answer the phone and bring it up to my ear.


"Heyyy (y/n). It's Tao here. I was wondering if you could meet me? I just really need to talk to you" I raise an eyebrow even though he can't see it.

"Uhh sure? When?" I mumble nervously.

"4 o'clock. The rusty anchor" and with that he hung up. It was 3:45. I shuddered. The rusty anchor was not the most friendly of places and used to be a popular destination for me and Tao. A pit of anxiety formed in my stomach. Tao was dangerous. I had seen what he could do. I turned to Jimin.

"Will you call me at 4:15 and if I don't answer call Chanyeol and tell him I'm at the rusty anchor?" I ask him and he nods.

"Sure, why?"

"Tao wants me to meet him"

"Are you serious? What the hell for? What makes him think that you want to go anywhere near there after what happened?!" He exclaims.

"I know.. just do this for me please? And 4:15 not a second sooner and don't call Chanyeol unless necessary" I say and he frowns nodding. I hug him and Namjoon.

"I'll be ok don't worry, I'll see you tomorrow" I say blowing a kiss before I leave. As I leave the house the pit in my stomach grows. What the heck am I about to do?

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