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A/n: hey sorry for not updating of often, I have bad writers block anyways this chapter was requested by Byunlee_Yuna thanks for picking Woozi I'd your reading this because my stick insect is called Woozi lmao 😂

For the next few days I refused to leave Chanyeol and Kai's room in case I ran into Lay. Finally I eased myself into leaving a few times but I always came back to his room instead of mine, I continually apologised for this. Chanyeol just shook his head and told me not to apologise.

One day I was in Chanyeol's room, reading on his bed when he literally burst in, nearly pulling the door off its hinges. He grinned at me excitedly and waved bits of paper in my face.

"Um Chanyeol.. what's going on?" I asked looking uncertainly at his grinning face. He looked so happy.

"Well, I knew you like seventeen so me, Chen and Xiumin bought these for us" he was talking so fast I thought I hadn't heard him properly. "I'm taking you to watch and meet seventeen!" He exclaimed happily. I nearly fainted.

"What? Are you serious?" He nodded and I wrapped my arms around his throat in a hug.

"Oh my god, thank you thank you thank you" I grinned, tightening my arms but then wincing at the pain and loosening them. Chanyeol looked concerned but I shook my head indicating that I was fine.

We got changed and headed off, almost dancing with excitement. As we que I hum and tap my fingers against my leg, causing Chanyeol to laugh at me and intertwine our hands. I smiled at him, blushing and he smiles back at me. I always thought Chanyeol was handsome but the more I looked at him now the more I noticed the small things, like the crinkles by his eyes when he smiled at me (he still managed to make them look perfect) and the slight ruffle of his hair in the wind. He was all round perfect. And I couldn't remember him bullying anyone recently.. he seemed to.. care.

Once we were through the gates Xiumin and Chen, who had come with us, disappeared into the crowd together.

"A fiver they are together by the end of the night" I bet Chanyeol and he laughs before nodding in agreement.

"Your on" he mutters grinning. Seventeen start the concert and we dance and yell along all night. Chanyeol even puts me on his shoulders so I can see better. They sing very nice and I do the dance to it. Chanyeol looks at me impressed.

"My childhood friend, Luhan, taught me it" I explained and he laughs. By the end of the concert I am exhausted and Chanyeol carries me to meet Xiumin and Chen at the line for the meet and greet. When we arrive the boys are stood waiting for us, their hands intertwined.
Chanyeol groans and hands me a fiver.

"You didn't have to pay me you know, it was just a bit of fun" I reach to give his money back but he doesn't take it.

"You won fair and square (y/n)" he smiles and I put the money in my pocket hesitatantly, muttering thanks to him. As we wait in line Chanyeol holds my hand as I shake with excitement. I was meeting seventeen for gods sake!

Soon we are at the front of the line and Seventeen calls us forward. My hands shook as Chanyeol led me towards them. Woozi and Joshua are the first to see us. We greet them and sign my cd.

"Hello, I'm Woozi! And you are?"

"(Y/n).." I mutter shyly and he smiles.

"Ah (y/n)-ssi, your so cute! Call me oppa" he grins and Joshua suddenly yells;

"Me too!! I'm an oppa too!" I laughed and they both hugged me. Woozi blushed as he wrapped his arms around me but I brushed it off, Chanyeol however continually glared at him. Suddenly a tall ginger figure ran up to us and threw it's arms around his throat in a hug.

"Jisoo! !" He squealed and Joshua laughed.

"Heya lulu" he said patting the taller boys head.

"Luhan?" I say uncertainly and he looks at me shocked.

"(Y/n)?" I nod and he hugs me tightly.

"You two know each other?" Woozi and Joshua ask in sync.

"Childhood friends" we explain and they nod.

Woozi, Joshua and Luhan make plans to meet us the next day for coffee before we have to leave because of the que. Before we go Woozi kissed my cheek causing me to blush and Chanyeol to glare.

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