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Chapter 4
Soon Lay had become one of my best frens, and I had a secret crush on him. He was funny and kind, not to mention good looking.

"Hey, (y/n)! Let me in" I realised Lay was knocking on the door and got up to let him in.

"Hey" he grinned at me "wanna go to the park? I'm really bored". I nodded and he jumped in happiness. We headed down to the park and we sat on the swings, just talking. I looked into his brown eyes. He leaned forwards slowly, his eyes flickering from my eyes to my lips and back again. His lips touched mine and he brought his hand up to my cheek.

"What the hell do you think your doing??"

We broke apart to see Chanyeol and he was fuming. I glared at him.

"What do you want? You know what I don't care just leave us alone Chanyeol" I snap and he looks shocked. He shot an icy glare at Lay before storming off. Lay looked at me, his eyebrow raised.

"You know that you're the only person he listens to right?" He asks.

"Umm no.. let's just go somewhere else" I stand up and he takes my hand, pulling himself up.

"Where shall we go?" He asks and I shrug. "The aquarium?" He asks and I nod enthusiastically.


*time skip
I had been dating Lay for a while now, and I was loving it. He waited for me outside my lessons and kissed me on the forehead before bed. The only thing ruining it was Chanyeol. He was as grumpy as ever and snapped at Lay and multiple others in the corridor. Even though Lay had gained some muscle, I doubted that he could beat Chanyeol if it came to a fight, but he would be able to get in a good punch.

We walked out of class and Chae-young wouldn't stop talking about this party as we headed to the dorms to change. Lay smiled at me.

"Would you like to go with me? I mean Chae-young  can come to and I know parties aren't your thing but.. perhaps we could make it your thing" he smirked so I nodded.

*at the party
As soon as we arrived Chae-young was off dancing. I rolled my eyes and followed Lay as he went and got us drinks. This is place was bigger than the last and it seemed as though everyone was here. I saw Chanyeol leave the kitchen and sighed in relief. Someone put a hand on my shoulder, making me jump violently.

"Woah,  calm down (y/n)" Xiumin laughed and I smiled, shaking my head slightly.

"Hey Xiumin" Xiumin and I had grown close over the past few weeks and he was great.

"Sooo, I'm assuming that you're here with Lay and Chae-young" he said and I nod. Xiumin smiled "you know what, the guys and I are going out tomorrow, do you wanna come?"

"Who's going?" I ask.

" Chen, Kai, Sehun, Suho,Baekhyun and
Chanyeol" he says and i shrug "okay, but please stay with me?"

He nods happily "sure I'll get you when it's time to leave".

As he walked off to join his frens I had a bad feeling.. Chanyeol was going...

Monster // Chanyeol x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now