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(a/n: yayyyy finally an update for y'all!❤️)

<Chanyeol's POV>
Everything was perfect. I had (y/n) to myself at last and Lay was out of the picture. (Y/n) still got sad about that at times but she wouldn't ever let me see. If she cried she would stop as soon as she heard me coming. This concerned me but I didn't say anything out of fear that she would get angry at me.

Cheng hadn't made another appearance thank god. If he came anywhere near (y/n) again I swear down I will kill him.

I was determined to be the perfect boyfriend for (y/n) and since it was the half term I could start by breakfast in bed. I walked down the fairly empty hallway, very few people were up this early on a Saturday.

As I stood in the short que I heard a female voice calling my name.

"Oh Channie babe!"

I turn to see my blonde ex, Park Bom, prancing towards me. I sighed in exasperation.

"Hello" I say curtly and she pouts. It's really not attractive.

"Channie c'mon don't be like that" she whines and I just glare.

"Don't call me that"

"Aw babe you love me really" she sticks out her bottom lip.

"Piss off Park Bom, I have a girlfriend" I snap and she looks shocked.

"What? How come I didn't know about this?" She demands, gosh she was getting on my nerves.

"Because you don't need to know, now leave me alone" I growl and she struts angrily  back to her friends.

I gather a pile of pancakes, bacon, syrup and strawberries for (y/n) and head back to my dorm. When I arrive I set the tray down on the bedside table and sit next to (y/n)'s sleeping form. I stroke her hair softly until she wakes up. She groans and wakes up, rubbing her eyes. Her perfect (e/c) eyes. She smiled when she saw me.

"Morning" she mumbles and I chuckle.

"Good morning beautiful" she blushed and I kissed her softly.

<(y/n)'s pov>
I was loving Chanyeol. He was perfect, sweet and gentle - the complete opposite to the one I used to know. He never said anything bad word about anyone, well except Cheng and  occasionally Lay when he thought I wasn't listening. Anyways I wasn't going to defend Lay.

We sat on our bed, sharing pancakes. Well his bed but I'd sort of claimed part of it for myself. 

""Well that's cute" we turned to see Kai smirking. I poked my tongue out at him and Chanyeol flipped him off. Kai just laughed and headed to the bathroom. When he emerged he looked at Chanyeol.

"The guys are going out now, wanna come?" He asked but Chanyeol shook his head.

"No thanks"

A wave of guilt came over me. I could tell he wanted to go but he didn't want to leave me.

"Chanyeol just go" I say and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"But I can't leave you here on your own!"

"I'll be fine, I'll walk to Jimins or something but I know you want to go and I'll feel horrible if you dont" I urge him and he sighs in defeat.

"Alright but call if there's anything wrong, okay?" He says and i nod as he kisses my forehead. He hesitatantly picked up his jacket and left with Kai.

I showered and dressed before pulling on my jacket and heading out. I walk to Jimins quickly, my eyes nervously flickering about. I shove my frozen fingertips into my pocket.

"So.. this is the cow that's been seeing my boyfriend."

(Oooh, cliffhanger xD)

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